I remember back in early June 89', I was driving home on leave from my base in NJ. Cruising I-80 across OHIO, ran into svr stms. CB was lit with chatter from the rigs. They were having a hard time keeping them on the road. Either straight line winds, or possibly a nearby tornado, not sure as it was in the middle of the night. Wind hit the car (Ford Maverick), and pushed me into the shoulder almost instantly. Heavy rain, very humid. Decided to head up through MI, and take the scenic way home. Crossed the Mackinaw Bridge very early (around sunrise), after a 3 hr nap, as I had been driving for a quite a few hours already. Loved that, but a little creepy up that high. Needed gas, so stopped in a little town somewhere on the other side. Was in shorts and T-shirt when I stepped out to gas up. WOW, 45 feels rather brisk after hot, humid just a few hours earlier. Was already that way in NJ, too. But the smell, and look of home there was awesome. And the sky looked much closer to the ground, and was so clear, and crisp looking. After funky air at sea level for many months, this was great. Still a few more hours to home though. I shivered most nights partying with friends, as I was accustomed to the hot, humid weather already.
Took leave late Dec 90', and I drove home in an Olds (model escapes me). Coming across PA on I-80, doing 55, I saw the traffic halted at the bottom of the big hill I was on. Started to put on the brakes, when the car started to slide. BLACK ICE. OH SHIT OH SHIT!! My heart started pounding. I'm racing towards the backend of a semi. Gently tapping brakes, and moving over to the right lane slowly, as there was another rig length of distance. Just barely was able to make it to the right shoulder, and get a grip on the snow. Heart, in my throat, I slowly moved ahead, and got in line. But when we were able to start moving, I just slid over into the left lane, then that shoulder, were I could get a grip again. Until we got to the sanded area, it was very slow going. After that, all good the rest of the way past Chicago, then northward. The night the Desert Storm op started, was at the hunting shack with my dad drinking, and having venison steaks. Heard it over the radio. Never got orders to go there, so felt rather fortunate. But was really nervous about it, and so were my parents. Air war did the job, tho.
I-80 is tough man LOL