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Brian D

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Everything posted by Brian D

  1. Reminds me of the 1995-96 winter season. Ice over my way was very late in leaving as well. Trout, and smelt runs were a month late (typically start mid April), and piled ice was on the shores until late June. The ice breaker Mackinaw, had to lead ore boats for quite a while during that time because of the thick, extensive ice. Pretty much through the month of April, I believe. I don't remember how late things were in the 2013-14 season, but it was a stout season.
  2. 0.34" of rain from last night's showers. Stayed relatively warm through the night, and I kept my bedroom window open. Foggy morning, and it's still hanging on here at noon.
  3. A very early summer like day with temps around 70-72, and dews around 60-62. Winds out of the S around 10mph. Feels great with the higher humidity. Got some Sun on the deck. I'll take aftrn temps like this all summer.
  4. Broods XIII & XIX emerging together for the first time since 1803. Billions (possibly at the trillion level) of them going to make for a noisy next month across our SW sub. That's quite a lot of cicadas. Wow!
  5. Hopefully, that's hardcore freeze for late May. We might tease frost level temps next week for a day, but should be out of the woods for temps like that.
  6. Upper 20's-mid 30's this morning across NE MN. Should be the last significant run of chilly mornings. Lake breeze yesterday kept temps around 60, with 50's right on the shoreline. Should be the same today.
  7. Yeah, it gets a little chilly sometimes up here in the Summer. This morning it looks like we had temps 30-35 in the inland areas of NE MN. Another round tomorrow morning, too, before it warms up a bit for the weekend.
  8. TH pop running around 3.7k, which is plenty big enough for me to live in. When I was in the Army, stationed in NJ, the big pop difference was very different to handle in everyday life from what I was used too. TOO MUCH, but being young, and forced to adjust, you do what you have too. Nasty air there compared to up here, as well. Duluth has been the biggest city (86k+) that I've had to deal with regularly, and that is not too bad. After my Army years out East, whenever I had to go to the Cities, I was prepared for that. They are still easier to deal with than the mayhem out East. Summer tourism here gets a little nuts, and sirens tend to wail a bit more often than I care for, but it's better than other places I've lived in my younger days.
  9. Temps running in the mid-upper 60's currently (11:30 am) with rain to the W & S. Moving slow this way, so not sure what we'll get here later, if anything. A very light SE wind keeping temps a little lower along the shoreline. A very nice start to Memorial Day.
  10. Good records at Pontiac, and DTW show only 2-2.4" for them so far. But the top 10 wettest May's for them run between 5-8"+. So sounds like you're up there.
  11. Looks like I was too aggressive in bringing in HP for Memorial Day. It makes it's move into our region starting on Tuesday. But not too bad a overall.
  12. A cool morning in the upper 30's-low 40's around NE MN. Picked up 0.28" of rain yesterday from scattered shwrs/stms. Up to 3.82" for the month (3.30" May avg), so doing well there. Looks like another chance at shwrs/stms tonight.
  13. Windy start to the day with chilly NE winds up to 35 mph, and temps in the low 40's this morning. Rain just to the S & W of me as system moves this way.
  14. 2.12" here in town. No thunder here tho. Rivers are high, as well as the lawn.
  15. That looks like EF3 to 4 damage along the path. Brutal. Hope everyone made shelter.
  16. First round nets 0.79". Looks like a break for a while on radar before storms creep up this way later.
  17. Already up to around 0.50" of rain, and a long day/night ahead.
  18. Rains incoming from the SE, and a Flash Flood Watch out. Should get interesting around here later today. Hopefully get some good thunder.
  19. After a few showers early this morning, been cloudy with temps hovering around 60 this afternoon. Looks like a good shot at heavier rains tomorrow/tomorrow night with nasty storms to my S possible.
  20. Looks like today is going to be the best day for the week. With winds out of the W/SW should be in the 70's in town. Yesterday, the Lake wind didn't relent, so stayed cool.
  21. Storm passed just to my N last night, but provided my first lightning show of the season. Batch of showers passed through this morning with a crack of thunder. Should warm to around 70 by this afternoon after front moves through, and winds turn more W.
  22. 0.46" of rain yesterday, with another 0.20" early this morning. Another cooler day today in the 50's before things warm up into the 70's here in town over the weekend. Will be able to sit out on the deck, and get some Sun. Even tho there will be a threat of rain early, and some scattered stms possible in the aftrn.
  23. These help visualize the difference between 2012 & 2024. As Joe mentioned, this year has been a steadier warmth overall than 2012.
  24. Rainy start to the day, with about 1/4" so far. Probably won't see much more than that as rain is light now with a chilly NE wind off the Lake. High around 50 today.
  25. Planting in town can happen anytime soon, although it tends to stay cooler during the day, so growth is slowed. But away from the Lake is a big gamble this time of month. Folks that have bigger gardens, tend to have greenhouses to get stuff started. General rule is to plant after Memorial Day for us in the N areas of the sub. When warmer, more humid conditions set in (especially during the overnight), everything just takes off. I don't do veggies, just flowers, and I get a couple flats of annuals every year from my local greenhouse to mix in with the perennials. Sometimes I'll get a couple hanging baskets of Wave Petunias. Chunk of money for flowers, but it makes things look nice. Looks like 30-35 across interior NE MN with 40-45 nearer the Lake this morning. Expecting 0.5-1.0" of rain starting tonight into tomorrow. That will be welcome.
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