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Brian D

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Everything posted by Brian D

  1. Lost a lake in Lake county from the heavy rains. Sullivan Lake, which is just W of the intersection of Hwy 2 & County 11, is now Sullivan creek with ponds. The 100+ yr old dam made of timbers broke, and the lake drained off.
  2. Currently mid-upper 60's around TH. Scattered instability showers in the area. Should break 70 soon. Nice day, except for the threat of a shower. My grandson's B-day party happening this evening. Turning 16, and he's taking his driver's test on Monday.
  3. That map is a.m. July 5. July 4 will have a ridge over most of the sub with shwrs/stms affecting areas of the W&S sub. So, at this point it will be close call. Wx moving in a little quicker than anticipated.
  4. Rain tapering off with just a light, drizzly rain currently. Looks like 1.5-2.5" around the my area. Temps around 60. Summer might kick in at some point.
  5. Very wet am around here. Mod/hvy rains moving through the last few hrs. Looks like a 2"+ event here in NE MN when it's all said n done. Temps in the mid-upper 50's.
  6. Over the next week, it just keep coming across MN & IA.
  7. Looks like a nice day on tap with highs in the low-mid 70's. Shwrs/stms on tap tonight into tomorrow am with 1-3" forecast across NE MN. The St. Louis river basin is still high, and this will keep levels up, and may put some back into at least minor flood stage. Just depends on where, and exact amounts.
  8. UFFDA! Was just thinking, but no wonder Scandanavians settled this region back in the day. Climate very similar to theirs, and the topo.
  9. Cloudy start to the day, but they broke. Upper 50's-low 60's this aftrn in the area under a partly cloudy sky. Cool late June day. Think our high will be from midnight when it was in the mid 60's still.
  10. Point has me around 65 tomorrow. What a slap in the face from today.
  11. Dew dropped here some too. Mid 80's with mid 50's DP currently with a dry W wind at 10 mph. Down sloping winds upping the temp a little here in town as it's only low 80's inland.
  12. It's 11 am, and already upper 70's- low 80's around here. Low 70's on the shoreline. Dews low 60's, so not at all oppressive. Very beautiful, summer day. Take it while I can. As side note, it's so nice to have clear, blue skies, and not that smoky crap like last year, or even earlier in May.
  13. Storms passed N of me last night. Clouds did a number yesterday on development. They moved through quickly, so it limited rain amounts. Looking at a high around 80 today on a W wind. Looks like 60's n 70's the rest of the week with a strong shot at stms again Friday.
  14. Clouds moved in late am, and temps sitting in the mid 60's (around 70 inland). Some virga overhead atm. If this persists through the aftrn, going to inhibit stm formation later up this way.
  15. Beautiful day. Started off cloudy, and cool, but sun popped out late am, and now in the low 70's with a 60 dew. Should peak out in the mid 70's soon.
  16. On track with my modelling method, too, as I've mentioned before. Lots of rain on tap.
  17. I'm expecting more scenes like this in the coming weeks. Lots more rain to come yet.
  18. Was just going to mention. Strong sig on radar developed.
  19. Looks like a cloudy day on tap with highs in the low-mid 60's, and a lake wind. Scattered shwrs/stms will be about during the day. Starting tomorrow, back to more summery wx with temps in the 70's, and 80's showing up briefly around Tues. Storm summary from June 18 has some pics of the flooding across NE MN. https://www.weather.gov/dlh/june2024flood
  20. Sun finally popped out this aftrn, and temps responded to mid-upper 60's with a light NE lake wind. Probably peak close to 70. Just missed out on the rain the stayed just south of me this morning.
  21. Have been looking at gauges around eastern MN, and the next round of rains will definitely cause some issues. Tributaries draining into the Mississippi, and St. Croix rivers are up. Minnesota river is up, too. They are all coming together just S of the Cities. Moderate/Major flooding is quite likely across areas of EC/S MN n N/W WI by early next week.
  22. Another cloudy day with temps peaking in the mid 60's around midday (around 60 lakeshore). Rain staying to the S, which is fine. The area up here needs to drain off some before anymore arrives, which looks to be tomorrow, and Sat. Although what does come should stay mainly in the southern areas of NE MN, with more scattered, lighter stuff across much of the N areas. Guess we shall see how that goes.
  23. Mistake. That 7.33" was from a spot near McNair based on this below. McNair township is up Hwy #2 around the Langley River RD area a few miles east of Brimson.
  24. Temps hovered in the low-mid 60's yesterday with the cloud cover. Picked up 2-2.5" of rain around TH yesterday. Scattered showers with temps in the low-mid 70's today. Nice to see the Sun. Cloudy days in summer is a negative considering we see so many of them during the colder months. More rain for the end of the week.
  25. NWS DLH reporting 2-4" over NE MN, with isolated spots seeing a bit more (5-6"). River gauges at the Cloquet River in Brimson, the Knife River in Knife River, and the Baptism River near Beaver Bay saw a 5-6' jump in river levels last night. Here in the TH area looks like 2-2.5" fell. More rain on tap starting Thurs into Sat night, although current forecast is keeping the heaviest rains just to my S.
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