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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. Even if we come away with 2-4" I'm not sure where I'm going to put all the snow. I'll figure it out somehow.
  2. After a successful jebwalk you have to warm back up.
  3. Benson does NOT trust this light now that it has snow on top of it. Lots of gruffs and scrapping at it.
  4. Went on a night walk and it's dumpin' out again! Now way we come out of this with less than a foot of snow. Benson approves.
  5. Said on the news that Huntingtown was Jack with the highest totals for the storm in the area. Manifest destiny. Looks like some good snow incoming too.
  6. Wayne Dyer says no way, we got more coming.
  7. We tried our older MSR lightning ascent snowshoes on a couple weeks ago and on both of them the rubner straps just broke right off, the rubber had rotted. They were 15yrs old but I was disappointed given how expensive they were. So I ordered us new pairs of the same snowshoes last week and they were supposed to be delivered today. Obviously that ain't happening and I'm bummed to have missed out on this. Hopefully they can deliver tomorrow.
  8. Still snowing down in Calvert but it's really fine and not amounting to much. Wind is picking up now. The guidance, especially the euro, was pretty spot on for us so far. I measure 10.75" on my deck.
  9. This was Benson's first real snow. He's postholing since it's about as tall as him.
  10. This snow just won't stop, still snowing moderately, we've passed 10" and are making a run at 11" before it quits.
  11. I think so. Still dumping hard and at 9.5" on the deck.
  12. This blob down in southern Maryland is really dumping hard. I think I'll get to over 10" pretty easy before it moves out. Maybe with the wraparound this afternoon we can break one foot.
  13. We just flipped back over to heavy snow for the past 30mins or so, so I'm Guess my were closing in on 9" now. Wind is picking up too.
  14. Mixing a bit down in Calvert. At 8" so far.
  15. Not here. That thing was a disappointment. Started with heavy mixing which left me with just under a foot. The bottom inch was complete slush and impossible to shovel.
  16. If this were to verify I think it would be the most for us since feb2010...unlikely but I can hope.
  17. One goes to the 7th and the other to the 8th?
  18. Nice! I can't remember the last time we had a snow event down here that didn't start as rain/slush (maybe the 2009 storm?) so it's gonna be awesome to have some actual powder with a frozen ground. Makes shoveling a lot easier .
  19. We are ready to rock here! Waited to the last minute to mount the plow and add air to the tires so I didn't jinx the storm.
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