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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. This is good sign for the drought. Hopefully February is a pattern change in storm tracks and we can score wet, either rain or snow is fine by me.
  2. You can't drink all day if you don't start first thing in the morning... WeatherBug shows me at 65F and rain on 2/6. So will it be an ice storm or will I need to be vigilant for mosquitoes when I walk the dog? Time will tell but I'm pretty sure I know which it'll be. Will be a goodnight for a spotted salamander hunt.
  3. What the funk? I swear yesterday I came on here and people were talking about snow potential for 2/6 and now I see I'm gonna have to turn my A/C on instead? Somebody get these models some BPD meds.
  4. It's this time of the season when weenies come out of the woodwork with tales of big snows from Marches of yore and how we can still score before bud break.
  5. Agreed. Though the logical, and more important next question is which physical phenomena underlying that is the main driver? That's why I went first to sea ice extent. If global warming is causing a delay in sea ice advance by several weeks on average then is that albedo change delaying the most intense arctic outbreaks in the region by the same amount on average? But I don't even know if Arctic sea ice shows a similar pattern as I haven't looked into it. It was just the first thing that came to my mind.
  6. I hear you, it can get pretty gloomy out there with snow on the ground when it's warm and rainy.
  7. Was just out in Swanton this weekend...don't worry they'll have plenty of snow. I was snowshoeing on our property and most areas had two feet of powder on the ground. Though I just looked and it seems there's a good chance of rain out there Saturday. That would stink...but there will be snow...fwiw.
  8. Assuming this phenomenon is real and not some sort of statistical aberration, the engineer in me says that the first place to look should be large, low speed system changes over time. Solar output, ocean currents, ice extent, plate tectonics (in the form of subsea volcanism), orbital changes, CO2 levels, pressure pattern changes, etc.
  9. Could it have something to do with Arctic sea ice extent? I have no idea if this is the case but I would assume with the warming base state the sea ice is a bit slower to reach Max extent coming out of warmer falls?
  10. What's the look forward in the drought? We had some good snow this month but didn't really make much dent in the drought. My caterpillars dont do well in drought conditions and last summer was rough in that department. I'm hoping we start getting some rains.
  11. Can confirm deep snow cover near DCL. On the mountaintop I have a solid 2ft base that managed to cover my heat pump and the exhaust on my furnace so it shut down til I cleared it. Gonna have to build something to cover it for next year. I also discovered that 2ft of snow going up a steep grade is about the most the g wagon can handle without chains lol. Fun times.
  12. My entire property in Calvert is on a north sloped forested hill and I swear I have snow cover 3wks longer than everybody else.
  13. Yeah if we don't get anything additional by the February flip I don't see much coming after that. For me it isn't panic though, had an awesome winter with both snow and cold, and frankly I'm looking forward to sun and warmer temps.
  14. I used to do aerospace flight test telemetry and over the horizon is real, I can attest. Job would've been much easier if the earth was flat.
  15. The February warmup has been foretold by Joe Badstardi. Don't worry though, today he said March should flip back to cold...
  16. Man, just looked up and the wind chills on the Gulf Coast are colder than here right now! Crazy.
  17. Yeah but did they use 3W or 4W RTDs with lead compensation? And who knows, maybe they only used 8-bit ADCs back then and not 32-bit ADCs oversampled for ENOBs of 36 bits.
  18. Just stacking some firewood and I did notice a slight breeze picking up, so maybe the cold is coming in now.
  19. When does the cold air arrive? It's like 26F out, sunny and not even a breeze. Feels balmy in the sun.
  20. Just switched over to snow down here. Getting colder out and breezy too. 38F.
  21. Dumping fatties hard down here in a Calvert. Roads have caved and we got prolly 4" on the ground already. JK, warm rain down here. Going to the cabin this weekend and taking the new snowshoes. They're supposed to get a foot out there and I'm expecting several feet on the ground when I get there.
  22. JFC, pull it together people. It's a solid 1-3" event followed by the best arctic blast in years.
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