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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. January derecho? Lock it in.
  2. I don't approve of starting a storm thread since it's not a region-wide event.
  3. Has there been an ALEET yet?
  4. Even my wife just said to me that it means good news since the euro is all in. There's no chance of failure now.
  5. Oh shit, 18Z euro is all in. If this doesnt happen at this point then **** life I'm done with weather.
  6. If the 18Z isn't bullish then it's dead to me.
  7. We did ok but it wasn't as good as further inland. I'm basically right on the bay so we often get mixing which kills accumulation. I'm sure that'll happen here too even in the best scenario. I'm getting a little bit too pumped up but like I said earlier this shit rarely happens down here so I'm giving myself a free pass.
  8. Exactly, almost more than everything since 09-10 combined here. 14-15 would disagree but it's not too far off.
  9. If it happened this way it would be better than anything down here for the past 20yrs outside of 09-10.
  10. Uhhhh, 18Z GFS? It's gone completely full in.
  11. I know right? Have we had that in the past 5yrs?
  12. Nah we got a solid 6" from that storm. It melted pretty quick but it was the best we've had since 2016.
  13. It's good to see that the euro is finally in. Caved to the GFS. Now it just needs to happen. Kind of sad to get excited about 3" of snow but that's where we're at now with AGW. If it covers the grass I'll consider it a resounding success.
  14. That's the last time I had any snow. Last year during that one storm we got mostly sleet pellets and it didn't even cover the grass.
  15. Just got a lightning strike alert 9mi from my house.
  16. I haven't had a good tracking opportunity in years and I'm sure this will disappoint but I'm allowing myself to get excited at the possibility.
  17. Someone gonna start the thread once the warnings are hoisted?
  18. Drought is officially over. Dumping rain and my yard is a flooded mess.
  19. I'll be on bended knee tonight saying a few pledge of allegiances and listening to Whitney Houston stars and stripes and watching D-Day footage to help give the GFS support. If ever there was a time to support America, this is it.
  20. WeatherBug also has me not getting above freezing for the entire day next Friday. When was the last time that happened?
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