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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. At least one person out there got it.
  2. I can't lie to you about your chances....but you have my sympathies.
  3. Exactly, we already had our allotment of four sigma SD weather for the winter. Not this time.
  4. I'm not worried. North Carolina isn't going to get a 2ft snowstorm in late February.
  5. Ugh the ICON. I can't deal with a other SoMD jackpot storm this year in my backyard, I'm tired of shoveling snow.
  6. Sounds right. I'm off plum point road, I drive down ponds wood almost on the daily.
  7. Doug hill used to live near me, met him a few times at local charity events. Nice guy, I have pics of me and him somewhere. I think he moved to NC when he retired, but passed away a couple years ago iirc.
  8. I need more like 15-20" at IAD and BWI. My numbers look pretty good except apparently I didn't account to the Baltimore anti snow forcefield.
  9. This is the track I need for victory in the snow contest.
  10. In Huntingtown I got somewhere between 8-10", hard to be sure as it's consolidated quite a bit and is sleeting now.
  11. Full cavage here. Having a daily smoke on the front porch.
  12. 33F and my deck has just caved in Huntingtown. Moderate snow.
  13. I must have really pleased the snow gods earlier this year. Jackpot right over my house again. Liking that tiny dark 10" purple spot just to the east of Waldorf.
  14. Thank you, found them! I was searching all over the direct ensembles sub-menu and couldn't find anything. Didn't realize they were under the charts menu!
  15. Where on WB are you getting those? JB made a post about how to get them not that long ago but, and I consider myself as pretty intelligent, I for the life of me couldn't find them.
  16. GFS is like that dude at the end of a frat party when everybody else is passed out or going home and he wants to keep doing keg stands.
  17. My expectation was firmly planted at 4" earlier but thanks to you it's now 8+.
  18. I take back everything I said earlier about moons and slush.
  19. I've never had to shovel a 7-11 slushie before so at least I'll be able to cross that off my life list.
  20. Just modified my comment, I'm punting this storm at this point.
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