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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. Forget all this technical brouhaha analysis. As happens every year at this time, my wife's boss has a celebrity box at the super bowl. They get a security deal, the whole nine yards. All the CEOs attend. Alas, spouses aren't invited, so I'm left at home to drink alone fantasizing that one day the Detroit Lions will make it to the top stage. Some dreams never come true. But this year with a threat inside d5 I actually pity my wife. Two model runs in a row showing snow. Yeah I'll watch the game and get copious text msgs with pics of famous people, but deep inside I'll know that I'm the one experiencing the super bowl in person. The super bowl of snow.
  2. Lol as long as my (doesn't exist) ex can do 0-60 in 2.7sec then yes, you're right.
  3. Did that reply give you the dopamine hit that you dreamed it would?
  4. Drove the X to Annapolis today to go to the Dr. As I drove down the street I saw that the red maples that get a lot of sun are already blooming...no joke. It's over.
  5. Haha, mine isn't fancy either. Peppers are planted! This year I may not do tomatoes...we live in the middle of an old growth forest and as years have gone by we get less and less sun. Combined with the squirrels and crows and I get hardly any tomatoes for us to eat. It's weird because they say peppers need a lot of sun but my Lola/Sweet peppers get dozens of peppers every year, however I'm lucky to get ten tomatoes. At this point I basically just grow them to get tomato hornworms every year. One thing that does do well in shady conditions is lettuce! This year I broke down and ordered a cold frame from my burpee catalog. Put it up yesterday and I'm going to plant my lettuce seeds after this post. Radishes too. I love to fry radishes with butter and garlic.
  6. I'm literally about to plant my Lola pepper seeds to get ready for spring! I use covered seed trays, a heated mat, and LED grow lights on automatic timers and every year my peppers and tomatoes grow like gangbusters. I also have a small desktop fan that I run on a timer every few hours to strengthen the seedling and prevent them from getting too leggy and flopping over.
  7. Awesome. I was gonna put away the -20F sleeping bags for the year but with the latest GFS I feel we need to write it plain and accept that -30DFN is on the table. At 300Hrs...of course.
  8. I've been out of touch for a couple days now. Do we still have the storm after the storm and the polar vortex sweeping in at 240hrs?
  9. We're 42yo and the dog is 1.5yrs old. He's the wimpiest of all of us. Been winter backpacking since I was a kid in 4-H and convinced my wife to go snowshoe backpacking after the blizzard of December-2009 in the Otter Creek Wilderness area in WV. This "glamping" tent is a 13ft diameter White Duck canvas bell tent. Normally for mountain climbing or backpacking where you have to move camp every day or course we'd use a small mountaineering tent. This tent has a stove jack and I run a small Russian Bear Stove inside which is basically just a small aluminum wood stove. So I need firewood for that, and also for the fire pit outside. Stove keeps the interior of the tent about 20 degrees above ambient depending on the wind. It's tedious to keep burning due to its small size and burns out about 2hrs after you fall asleep. But as long as you stay in the mummy bag then you're warm. Today ended up a beautiful day where it appears we got above freezing and no wind. Tomorrow looks to be near 50F and sunny but we have to pack up mid day and make the bittersweet journey back down to the coastal plain and the reality of every day life.
  10. 1F this morning but zero wind and it looks like a nice sunny day on tap. Wouldn't be surprised to see 30F this afternoon. I gotta leave the tent to take care of some business but am not really looking forward to it. Also need to cut some more firewood, we plowed through the pile I had last night.
  11. No but we have been pretty cold. Tent is up and stove is going...says 6F outside now. Feels a lot nicer than last time and the wind isn't as bad. Still pretty gusty though.
  12. 6F with a -15F wind chill on Meadow Mountain. Leaving to go camping this weekend in about 1hr! Snow showers on the game cam but only a few inches on the ground. But Sunday it's supposed to be sunny and in the 40s, I'll probably be walking around camp with no shirt on.
  13. I think the the next super nino will finally see the end of Joe. He won't be able to stomach the increase in world temps. I'm not sure he's yet to recover from the last super nino.
  14. Things were looking so good for us up until about 1800.
  15. Nah we're going camping on meadow mountain this weekend so I should get my snow hit. I told my wife this weekend that if she decides to divorce me at some point I'm going to move to Alta, Utah and that she better plan on paying me alimony for that.
  16. We need a thread to quantify how bad this winter is. Sure we've relegated ourselves to getting zero snow, but what makes it the worst beyond that? A warm spring like 2012 might be seen as a good thing once weve given up the chances of snow. So is it 40deg and clouds/rain that makes it the worst ever? No snow and 70deg days aren't so bad. But no snow and 50deg cloudy days make me want to jump off the Annapolis bridge.
  17. The last vestiges of our sanity. You'll track it too, don't kid yourself.
  18. We could just use a code name for CC. Instead of climate change we could say Climate Differential, or Climate Rate of Change. Or maybe just Carbon Copy as a fill-in for CC.
  19. It's almost true! Unfortunately I think I know how this story ends and it's not with snow angels or frosty type snowmen.
  20. My house is jacked with 1.1". So sad that I'm actually jumping for joy at the possibility of 1" of snow.
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