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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. Man I got Lyme's and spent almost 8yrs trying to figure out what was wrong with me - went to a zillion doctors over the years and thought I was going crazy. Finally someone ordered the proper test and figured out all along it was Lyme's. 4mo of antibiotics and I was cured. Of course all those antibiotics landed me in the emergency room four separate times with massive C Diff infections but them's the breaks.
  2. My dad texted a link that death valley was going to have its biggest snow event in 100yrs. So you can add death valley to the list of snowier places than us.
  3. I don't know, I don't often look at the LR maps, but when I do they portend the most SEVERE cold seen in the L48 in years. This time is no different. Be informed.
  4. My game cam shows snow on the ground up at deep creek elev 3000ft.
  5. Not sure if those are rain or snow values, could be either. Smh.
  6. No I didn't forecast -10F on all the anomalies so JB banned me from working at WB.
  7. I wonder which models they use - since it's an entire month I assumed it was the long range models. Whichever three it was they should just pay me their dev fees and I'll spit out random number that'll be more accurate. The secret is no matter what the pattern looks like to just guess positive on the anomalies. Almost a guaranteed lock.
  8. What the fuq. I just got the results of the WB December forecast competition. I was in the top 25% of entries...beat almost half the models and 33% of WB's professional forecasters. If that doesn't tell you what kind of scam this industry is then nothing will. I don't even drink and I still think I was drunk when I made my entries. "Congratulations on ranking 19 out of 72 competitors in WeatherBELL's December Forecast Competition! You've shown impressive skill in long-range weather forecasting, beating 3 out of 7 models and 2 out of 6 members of the WeatherBELL team!"
  9. I'm pretty sure I know what it's going to be telling us.
  10. I don't know why I allowed myself to have any hope for this storm. Like I haven't learned this lesson like 45 times over the years. Looking at the 10-day forecast on my WeatherBug app is more accurate than watching the models ..
  11. Well that is a nice morning surprise.to start out the New Year. Good to see the R/S line shifting SE with each run as of late. Still need to see another couple shifts for MBY but I might have to put the snow blade.on the muck truck today just to be ready.
  12. Same here, 2016 was kinda meh, at least as much as a 12" storm can be meh. Dec 2009 ftw in my 20yrs in SoMD. Of course LES snow in Michigan during my childhood was on another level...but that's not the same.
  13. Man I feel WB is running their models on an old Pentium chip, these panels take forever.
  14. Udderly the most severe looking period I've seen on the models in decades.
  15. JB has been lashing out at model runs recently which is always a bad sign. And this morning in a post he laid the groundwork for his forecast fail. "Just be glad you got to live through an epic period for snow storms". This might actually be a good contrarian signal for us.
  16. Last night it was the bug zapper...this morning I noticed one of my hanging petunias is still holding on. I'm rooting for it.
  17. I'm on my back patio and the bug zapper light is on and it legit just zapped a bug two days before January.
  18. Chalk it up to another thing the Internet has ruined
  19. Sun angle already increasing. Only a matter of time.
  20. Unless things turn around I think it's the motto for this winter. The Udder Disaster Winter
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