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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. We all gotta start somewhere..
  2. Newts and Spotted salamanders are out in force tonight. Spotted salamanders usually breed in my pond around thos time of year on mild wet nights...like last night and tonight. Moderate rain down here now.
  3. My game cam up at 3k feet near DCL shows all the snow (at least a foot) has melted in the past two days. Booo.
  4. Is the Pamela Anderson pattern back on the playing field?
  5. Meh, I only get excited for ALEETs.
  6. I hate the term gravity waves....means something very different in astrophysics!
  7. I was just out felling some trees and with chaps on I was sweating up a storm. 72F and sunny.
  8. If we can just get it to connect to itself over the Atlantic then we will have recycling, perpetual snow, 24/7. I don't think snow was mentioned anywhere in Genesis though.
  9. Then who's data has been deemed acceptable for the subforum - can you provide it?
  10. I mean yeah, no duh areas north and west get more snow and later. But DC is the largest city central to this subforum and has good historical data so that's what I look at. If I'm looking for a 5" snow then ok, March is in the game...but a MECS or HECs...historically the odds are basically zilch.
  11. There has been a number of posts about how we're still in the game well into March in this thread. So I went and looked at historical snow totals at DCA by month. According the the data I saw, we've only gotten double-digit snow totals for the entire month of March twice in recent eras. Once I think was 2014, and before that it was either was like 1959 or 1969 or somewhere there about. So I don't get where the March optimism comes from. Eta, went and found the data again, it was 1960.
  12. I picture snow polyannas shouting down the cassandras in a desperate veiled attempt to deny their own insecurities while popping Xanax and Wellbutrin by the handful.
  13. Maybe the models are better now and they're not wrong anymore.
  14. I've been following the weather for a number of years now, how is it I've never heard of the "infamous" Sistine Chapel pattern? Could it possibly be as SEVERE as the past ten days? Smh.
  15. Same family but a completely different moth. Much larger too. Point being they are not normally breeding this far north but clearly they have for the past three years as we've continued to warm....ergo, it's over.
  16. Proof it's over. For the past three years in a row I've found caterpillars of Manduca Rustica in the chaste bush over my driveway. Rustica is a southern species (Gulf Coast) that is known to stray north sometimes in late summer. But they have clearly established a breeding population in Calvert County if I'm finding the caterpillars this regularly. Prior to the past three years I never saw a single individual for the 20yes I've been here. Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk
  17. I'm up in Bloomingdale this weekend looking to score a row home city house and we were just out walking the dog and it was gorgeous - big fat flakes and no wind at all. Like something out of the movies. Until my dog peed all over his leg by accident.
  18. One for the record books. It was a white knuckle blizzard, to be sure.
  19. Yeah it's always been dicey with snow down here but up until around 2020 we generally muddled our way to average at least. The last five years have been a waste, I'd just assume have warm winters at this point.
  20. Well this winter has sucked ass for SoMD so far. Greatest pattern since the stone age and I have maybe three slushy inches to show for it. Bring on spring and moth season. My mandevilla vine is growing gangbusters in my south facing window so there's that at least.
  21. Lake effect is the best. If you set up under one of the bands it's just nonstop dumpage, you don't have to worry about any other setup type bullshit that we have to stress about down here. As long as you're downwind...it's all good. I prefer the keewenaw peninsula because it just sticks out into lake Superior and gets blasted. If my wife ever divorces me I think that's where I'll retreat to.
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