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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. It was pouring rain here in the morning when that storm started. Ended up with around a foot of snow though. I was sure it was gonna just stay as rain it felt so warm out when I woke up.
  2. Man used to get my kicks posing in front of a bunch of dudes in basically just a speedo and I've raised moths for over 35yrs. Learned not to take myself very seriously, especially on the Internet. I find it hilarious that we argue over the weather when it's literally the thing in life that we basically have the least control over in the entire world. Having a warm weather hobby (or five) to look forward to every year helps during these late winter suck pattern doldrums.
  3. Frankly if this next 6wks can't produce anything then it's pretty pointless to have any index at all moving forward.
  4. Dude I don't know, I'm hardly one to give advice on being liked on an Internet forum. This is a strange forum too.
  5. I think if you prohibited yourself from using "lol" in any posts going forward that would be an easy win.
  6. At least when we're tracking spring we can be sure of success!
  7. If this doesn't come to fruition, man the meltdowns are gonna be almost worth it. Crow served up as for as far as the eye can see.
  8. That bitch. I knew he was too pretty to be legit. I swear I've never known a board to have more drama than the weather forums.
  9. I was only 13yo and still living in Michigan for that storm. Naturally we didn't have any real effects there but I remember watching the weather channel non-stop with my dad and being so jealous of all you guys. Eta I'm sure Jim Cantore was the one reporting it for them.
  10. Must've been warm ground, looks like 3" on the grass here based on my pics. Don't have any pics of the elevated deck so maybe there was more on that.
  11. Yes, but that snow wasn't really that great. Good for a March snow, no doubt, but not really a very exciting event. Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk Eta - went back and found a pic - pretty, but barely covered the driveway.
  12. Idk, I get moth fever hard by April so even out by DCL I don't like seeing snow that late! Speaking of mountains...I was the first person on the summit of Mount Rainier this past August when me and a co-worker climbed. We got the summit all to ourselves for 45min as the sun came up with 20 below wind chills. I even had to pee on the summit during which time I deduced that I was making the highest elevation pee in the entire lower 48 (airplanes aside) that morning. Life milestone achieved. Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk
  13. I'll fall on the sword, March is too late for snow for me. I'm ready to start gardening and for moth season by then. But I'm in SoMD and we haven't had any good storms down here in March since I've been here so I'm ok with you guys getting a big storm and me missing out. Sloppy wet snow isn't worth it in my book.
  14. You should go ask them how much snow we historically get at DCA in March.
  15. I've only been down here in Maryland for 19yrs, so 09-10 I had been here for five years. I wish I knew then what I know now - I sort of just figured those types of monster storms were not common, but relatively regular. Knowing what I know now I think I would have taken a lot more time off work to enjoy it and play in the snow to savor how awesome that winter was. If I was still in my 20s maybe I'd more to Alta, UT to live in the snow. Now in my 40s that seems a little too much, but man, life regrets.
  16. True that. I just washed the X on Saturday, had some salt spray on it. Looks like a good decision as it should stay clean for a while.
  17. WTF that low pressure started down in like Venezuela. It'll probably end up in Tug Hill before it's done.
  18. That week sucked. I got maybe 3" of wet snow. What a milquetoast winter. Hrumphf.
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