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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. Well that storm sucked. My ruler only goes down to 1/16" gradients so I can't measure the total here.
  2. JFC this hobby is for masochists around here. When was the last time we had a non-stressful setup where we got snow? I have in and charged up the muck truck...just as the trend drifted northwards.
  3. At 43yo typically my first pee break of the night is 2am so I have a natural alarm clock. Should I mount the blade in the muck truck now or will that jinx it?
  4. 18Z GFS Snowmaps.... Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  5. You can only kill it on a model rug pull when we're in a cycle of despair. We're not there yet.
  6. How is the NAM so god awfully slow? You'd think the frames were 4k resolution at this rate. Eta, 60h on the 12k look a lot better this run.
  7. For once at least we're covered no matter whether it shifts N or S
  8. 12Z euro tappin' the juice. We've seen it before... Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk
  9. Changing climate is as inevitable as changing daily weather so we might as well speculate on its effects. If somebody can't deal then they need to GTFO.
  10. 2-4 would double my YTD. I'll consider that a major storm at this point in the season.
  11. I actually respect last winter. It didn't pretend to be anything that it wasn't, confident in its shortcomings. It was a Sigma Winter. This winter is worse. It's like some Milquetoast Beta winter that thought it had chops but turned out to be a total pretender with no jawline.
  12. Ive had more Nina snow than Nino snow in the past few winters so I'll take my chances with the Nina at this point
  13. I thought the "but seriously" would identify that the previous line in my post was a joke. I agree with your viewpoint. Personally I welcome CC. Snow climo in SoMD sucks ass as it is, if I can't have any, nobody else can. And warmer weather means more moths.
  14. You never heard of The Panic Room? But seriously, extrapolating out, how long til we have the climo of the Everglades? At least pythons are something to look forward to.
  15. I've been reading up on that and it seems like you have to move to London to live in a snow town after GS collapse. Seems like all we get is higher sea level here. We toss.
  16. Cold rain has ended here and sun is out. Total accumulation - a little less than the dandruff I flaked off this morning. Helluva storm.
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