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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. Similar setup to the derecho from 2012. Hopefully we can avoid that scenario.
  2. Sort of looks like JB's trademark "ridge over troubled waters" pattern setting up.
  3. We recently bought a rowhome in Bloomingdale NW as a city getaway. We get our keys this week and this weekend will be our first weekend up in the city. Is it a ton more oppressive downtown compared to out by the bay? My wife has visions of walking around the mall outside but I'm thinking that's better for September, or maybe at 4am before the sun comes out...
  4. Not to mention Bermuda ridges all winter long.
  5. That's a very cool site? Can you explain the units for soil moisture? My guess is cubic meter of water per cubic meter of soil but it's not clear from the graph. Does it take into account the density of the soil type or is it just purely a volumetric measurement? How do they track that in real time?
  6. I dont think I've even heard any significant thunder so far this year down here.
  7. We're supposed to be under roof for this winter. Electric is already run, site is cleared, septic has been designed but we had to move our drain field location due to other factors. Most primary construction materials are ready for delivery except for the windows and doors. Septic is holding up permit to pour the foundation, hopefully that comes through next week.
  8. I have a perc test up there today, dealing with same weather blues. It's a mud pit on our site.
  9. I don't know much but I know this last winter sucked ass and it was supposed to be the Sistene Chapel. So I'm rooting for a Nina at this point. Broke ground on the Garret county cabin this week, not sure if we will be done in time for winter unfortunately.
  10. Popped the radar up at 300pm and saw the storms moving in...that's all the excuse I needed to leave work early since I was on the motorcycle. Got home just in time for the heavy rain. Had a warning locally but it was just heavy rain, nothing severe here luckily.
  11. Is 2024 the year of the rain shower or what? FFS, I'd give my left nut for a couple days of legit snow showers over the course of an entire winter. Come spring it's weeks on end of rain showers though. Honestly I'd rather have this than drought so I'll stop whining.
  12. Seems like it's just some fog that needs to burn off. As for the pattern flipping to warm/dry for a long stretch...I'd bet on mid-December.
  13. Made it back with new bike...went though some rain but I was prepared with my gear so all was well, just dreary.
  14. Oh we do get loops like this in February, rain and all.
  15. You're right! Back edge incoming on radar. The day is saved!
  16. Yup, moderate to heavy steady rain. Perfect weather for a motorcycle ride.
  17. Today's contribution! Things are getting a late start this year due to the crap weather. Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk
  18. JB is already building hype for next winter. I'm predicting Sistene chapels and massive hymns from dec-mar.
  19. I'm driving up to Annapolis to pick up a new motorcycle tomorrow morning, I'm sure heavy rain is a lock for the AM ride home.
  20. We just bought a rowhome in NW DC (Bloomingdale) as a "city home" getaway to have...or at least that's what my wife thinks. Really it's an "escape the eastern flow" getaway. I think I'll just stay up there every March-May from now on.
  21. We had our one nice day of the week allotment yesterday...be prepared for another long stretch of crap weather and low clouds.
  22. Woke up this morning to pouring rain and like ten minutes later it's blue skies and not a cloudy to be seen. Feels awesome outside!
  23. Common protocol is to pull over if safe and place them on the side of the road that they were traveling toward. If possible I'll walk into the woods a hundred feet or more so they're far away from the road. If they're doing something stupid like walking toward a shopping mall parking lot then I'll either put them back on the side they're traveling from or drive 1/4 mile down the road to a safe area for them.
  24. This has turned out to be an awesome day, SE Asia feel to the air but it's not too hot out and the sun has come through. Feels very tropical. Unfortunately this plus the rain means I had to stop 4 times in the way home from work to rescue box turtles. I hate this time of year for that, it's so sad.
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