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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. Ive have those two NE snowstorm books in my Amazon cart for like a year now...I haven't pulled the trigger yet, but one of these days...
  2. Man I could see becoming a hermit and throwing up a small stone cabin right there and raising sheep.
  3. It's madness here. Thanking the maker for this cooler weather because I'm changing bags daily. Four have pupated and should have more doing so daily which will ease the pressure.
  4. 20yrs ago it seemed like we were good for at least a couple good ole cold noreasters every winter, even if they were mostly rain. Feels like it's been a while since we've had a good one.
  5. That thing eclosed pretty quickly, probably the warm weather sped up development. I've got about fifty L5 regalis caterpillars and they are devastating all my sweetgum, I'm so ready for them to pupate...next week.
  6. I grow potatoes too down in Calvert. I was not expecting them to do that well in the shade and clay soil but randomly I get quite a few every year.
  7. The rain this week def gave me enough to last through August without severe drought.
  8. Heavy rain from a storm that just went through. Jungle weather continues in SoMD.
  9. Ah the ole rain shadow of Virginia. Was just reading up on it. http://virginiaplaces.org/geology/rainshadow.html
  10. Where do you live? I don't think my powers are strong enough yet to manifest any rain in your area.
  11. Remember the manifest destiny principles. I'm gonna make it happen for you.
  12. Im starting think I should have built my house out of concrete block like they do in Latin America for max.longevity.
  13. Heavy shower right now. This is like Borneo weather. Tropical downpour.
  14. My manifest destiny book is already paying back in spades
  15. It's blah outside. Grey, still and muggy.
  16. It sort of looks like it was in the process of updating when you took the picture. The back half of it looks like a variegated fritillary caterpillar. If the chrysalid turned more whitish then thar would make sense. You could just take it and put it in a container to allow it to eclose, it should be relatively quick - they overwinter as small caterpillars.
  17. Looks like the newly formed chrysalis of a fritillary to me - possibly a variegated fritillary? Hard to say 100% for sure though. If you have violets in the area this would lead toward a fritillary.
  18. That's cool and all but I've been really studying my new weather textbook and I'm seeing big snows for us.
  19. On their map the entire US is going to be covered in snow and storms for winter except for the SW. It's sure to verify. Remember I already called for snows east of 95, looks like they're on to the same intel I've been reading.
  20. Storms were basically just thunder but we got a whole bunch of rain so I'm happy with it. Drought is def back under control for a while.
  21. I thought shit was about to go down but radar looks less impressive. Maybe it's like a hurricane eyewall and the storm line is just regenerating in time before it gets here.
  22. Serious thunder to the east of us out in the Bay. I'm getting a lot of low clouds coming from the east, at least it's cooling things down but I don't see getting any rain out of it here.
  23. Drove from the city back down to the Bay this morning, all the new trees they planted along suitland and rt 4 either this spring or last fall are dead or dying from the drought, bummer. Things up there are dire. Down here it isn't as bad since the recent rains but man is it humid. All the foliage has that late summer tattered look to it. Like the dog days. I will say that trying to live in the city with weather like this must be miserable. It's too hot to do anything outside. I think I'm just gonna stay out in the mtns by DCL this time of year when there's weather like this in the future.
  24. This system's storms don't have the endurance when the sun goes down. They just fizzle out. Happened the past couple nights.
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