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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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    Commack South

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  1. Haven't plowed here yet, but there are chunks of asphalt along the curbs.
  2. KPHL 110pm 26/09 -SN Is this part of seeder-feeder mechanism Walt mentioned?
  3. Well, some websites do require a LOG on, so...
  4. Or Walk Wild Pitch Passed Ball Catcher's Interference Balk Not Proud
  5. Apologies for replying to my own post. So if the shadow of the cake appears on my plate , does that mean 6 more weeks of winter? And can I influence the outcome by eating all of the cake and eliminating the shadow. Or does it just mean I still have some left to eat? As previously stated I don't get out much.
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