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Everything posted by NEILwxbo

  1. Another 24 hours of baby stepping and the entirety of northern IL is in business. Where have we seen this before..
  2. Let the north trends commence…just in time
  3. Nah, it’s just weird Ohio people basically have their own private forum while the rest of us discuss openly. It’s counterproductive and comes off as conceited. Not you necessarily but just in general it gives off negative energy
  4. Approaching the 3” mark in Dekalb. Nice fgen band overhead now extending back into the DVN area
  5. People from Ohio are so special they get their own thread
  6. This NAM run might have to go on the fridge
  7. Up to 2” in the last couple hours with these storms on the Grundy/Kankakee border
  8. The first truck seen driving towards it actually ended up getting flipped over about a mile up the road
  9. Out chasing in the Plains, caught the large tornado as it moved into Selden, KS yesterday. Got some pretty amazing video as it started to hit town, you can make out power flashes as it gets to the edge of town in my video here was def by far the best chasing experience I’ve ever had
  10. With positivity rates starting to go up across IL, some regions are approaching the threshold for tighter restrictions again. The attitude of many people (have heard these words exactly 3 separate times over the weekend) is that this is “over” now. Cant imagine the reaction would be too good if they impose new restrictions again
  11. Imagine how annoying this would be to watch slip away if it were snow......it’d be meltdown central in here
  12. I debated sharing this, because I don’t want it to come off as I’m complaining about my situation because it could be so much worse, but I tested positive a month ago today & I still am nowhere near normal, and I’m a very healthy 20 year old. I had to go to urgent care yesterday bc it suddenly hurt to breathe, and I had the unfortunate experience of coughing up blood as well as being really nauseous. Freaked me out but turns out my lungs are just inflamed & my throat is torn up from being sick for so long. I’ve been constantly hungry since I’ve felt better, but after about 2 bites of food I have to force myself to keep eating, the random nausea is terrible. Obviously I’ll be fine, but I think I’m going to punt the next person that says “it’s just a cold” to Mars.
  13. I’d give it an A- here just due to the longevity of the snowpack. Have had atleast 3” on the ground since December 29th, can’t do much better than that in N IL
  14. Finally feeling better. Goes without saying, but can’t imagine how awful the virus is for people with any sort of condition or anything that makes them more susceptible. Let’s hope the vaccines keep coming and we’re towards the end of this nightmarish journey
  15. Day 8 of nasty symptoms for me, I’m only 20 and it’s been pretty awful. Started to feel better Saturday but then woke up Sunday with a horrible stomach flu type thing, have heard of that happening to a few people. Just praying tomorrow will be the start of feeling better.
  16. Covid finally caught up to me, tested positive yesterday & feel like dog water today. Roommate’s gf likely gave it to us, oh well
  17. There’s been atleast 4” of SD here in DKB since December 30th. Not sure what SD records look like but feel like by the end of the month we might be getting close. I can’t remember a year we didn’t nuke the snowpack at some point in Jan-Feb
  18. Hard to see on roads in DKB county due to the heavy snow rates
  19. Last night overperformed further south so hoping today’s wave will have the same effect further north. Should be a fun day either way with fat flakes already falling
  20. The things I would do to keep that band parked over us for several hours
  21. The convective nature of this is obvious. Going from SN+ to nothing in 20 seconds between better banding
  22. Downstream radar looks nice. Should be a fun afternoon
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