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  1. If you get coronavirus, you will get very cold! And have a bad cough... that will be your first two symptoms... You will have the worst chills...you need to apply blankets on tops of blankets. Once you warm up, you will start sweating a bit; your fever should reach 100 degrees or about 37.778 celcius, uncover yourself, go to bathroom use the bathroom, come back to bed there will be another surge of higher fever later on. Cover yourself again because you will be cold again, and once you finally warm up, (Approximately 1 hour later) check your temperature once you are warm and start sweating again your temperature should reach at least 101 or 38.33 Celsius This will mean the #coronavirus is spreading over into your respiratory system, you will need to have preferably Montenegro moonshine but strong alcohol will most likely do. Be ready and go to the bathroom. Once you are in the bathroom pour alcohol into a plastic cup, gargle the alcohol and start spitting the alcohol out. Do not drink the alcohol, just gargle and spit it out. You will cough and most likely spit a lot of the stuff out. Do this 2 times. The corona virus will be on your sink by than. Yes there will be some left over in your body, but by than you will let your body kill the rest of residues of it. You will want to urine and spread the moonshine in the toilet and in the sink and flush the toilet and run the water in your sink. You will instantly feel better and you will notice your cough is pretty much gone and your temperature will stabilize to about 98.7 degrees or 37.056 Celsius. You will feel sleepy and not 100% for the next 2 days but you will be cured and after 3 days will test negative to #CoronaVirusFacts take care and good luck! Feen
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