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Everything posted by LoboLeader1

  1. This weather is down right depressing, would not mind taking a taking a sunny 60 degree day over this crap.
  2. 44 for a high here today, currently 42.
  3. 34 here, few snow flurries earlier this afternoon.
  4. Snow & ZR mix fallen up here in the Berks, temp here is 29.
  5. Currently 17 up here in the Berkshires with a light snow falling. About an inch on the ground thus far, all surfaces covered.
  6. Only 77 more days till Meteorological spring.
  7. Parts of FLA maybe colder than some areas here come Thurs AM.
  8. Let’s hope that does not come to fruition.
  9. 57 for a high here yesterday, currently 39.
  10. Would not mind seeing this kinda weather for x-mas if we are going to remain in this pattern for the rest of this month.
  11. 55 here as of 7:45 this AM, overnite low of 51.
  12. Currently 55* here as of 5AM, mid 60's are in reach today.
  13. Mountains areas out west getting slammed.......some spots have seen over 6 feet of snow already. ...WINTER STORM WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT FROM 1 PM THISAFTERNOON TO 10 AM PST THURSDAY...* CHANGES...Increased snow totals and peak wind gusts.* WHAT...Heavy snow and strong winds expected. Total snowaccumulations of 8 to 16 inches, with 14 to 28 inches above 7000feet including major passes. Wind gusts up to 45 mph, withSierra ridge gusts over 100 mph.* WHERE...Greater Lake Tahoe Area.* WHEN...From 1 PM this afternoon to 10 AM PST Thursday. Heaviestsnowfall rates and strongest winds between 4 PM this afternoonand 4 AM Thursday.* IMPACTS...Travel could be very difficult to nearly impossiblewith whiteout conditions at times from falling and blowing snow.The hazardous conditions will impact this evening`s and Thursdaymorning`s commutes. Long delays are likely, with road closurespossible. Strong winds could cause tree damage and poweroutages.
  14. 53* here, gorgeous December day.
  15. 43 here as of 6:30AM, light drizzle currently falling.
  16. Overnite low of 29* here, currently sitting at 30*
  17. That would be a bonus around here for December.
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