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Everything posted by LoboLeader1

  1. Temp here has been stuck at 28* since midnite, 19 degrees warmer than yesterday AM at this time.
  2. Currently 28* here after a high of 34 today. Light snow falling, grassy surfaces are now covered.
  3. 8* degrees here as of 7AM, 2nd coldest morning thus far this winter. Temps near 20* today.
  4. Currently 28* here under a clear sky. Reached a high of 43* shortly before 1 this AM, then temps slowy began to drop off. About an inch snow fell earlier today.
  5. Given the surge of oil prices in the past couple of weeks, I don't mind seeing a mild winter.
  6. 44* here currently after reaching a high 48 earlier today. Temps are expected to be above freezing over nite as per NWS, be lucky to see an inch at best tomorrow AM.
  7. 24 here this AM. After tomorrow's minor event and now the train wreck regarding the possibility of this weekend's storm, question is will we see any snow this month?
  8. Looks like the southeast has a better chance of seeing snow than the northeast going into the upcoming weekend.
  9. 38 here as of 7:30 AM, down 3 in the past hour. Total of 1.5" in the rainbucket overnite.
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