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Everything posted by LoboLeader1

  1. Topped out here at 45 yesterday, overnight low was 40. Currently 44 as of 8:45, with a high near 60 predicted today.
  2. 38 here currently, over night low of 36. East wind kicking up to 25-30mph along with the cold rain.
  3. High of 53 here today, not looking forward to spring allergies.
  4. Overnight low of 40, high yesterday was 59. Currently it's 42 under a clear sky.
  5. Topped out at 56 today, currently it's 50 under cloudy skies.
  6. 66 here yesterday, currently 51 under a clear sky. Temps to be near 60 today.
  7. 67 here as of 3:30, likely to fall short of the 70 mark this afternoon.
  8. Hit a comfortable 72 here yesterday, overnight low of 47. Currently 50 under cloudy skies.
  9. 49 here, topped out at 53 yesterday. Should be 20 degrees warmer than yesterday.
  10. 44 here currently, low was 41 overnite.
  11. Reached 62 here today, did maintenance on snowblower and is now in storage until next winter.
  12. 39 here this morning, topped out at 64 for a high yesterday.
  13. High of 64 here today, currently 62.
  14. High of 54 yesterday, low of 40 this AM. Currently 41 under clear skies, expecting temps to be in the low 60's today.
  15. 32 here, overnite low was 30. Topped out yesterday at 32. Mild week ahead.
  16. 1993 nor-easter.....America’s “Storm of the Century" https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/news/1993-snow-storm-of-the-century
  17. Snow showers here, temp currently 28F.
  18. Currently 22 here this AM, with the wind chill feels like 8. Reached 43 yesterday morning, before FROPA came in and temps dropped steadly there after. Highest wind gust recorded here yesterday was 51mph.
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