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Everything posted by LoboLeader1

  1. Reached 55 here yesterday, overnight low was 44. Currently 47 as of 9AM.
  2. 54 here as of 3PM, winds quite gusty out of the WNW up to 25MPH.
  3. Currently 40 here as of 8AM. High of 54 yesterday, overnight low was 37.
  4. 47 here as of 7:30AM. Topped out at 57 yesterday.
  5. Currently 51 and cloudy here as of 6AM. Reached a high of 57yesterday.
  6. Gorgeous wx today, topped out at 58 earlier today. Currently 55.
  7. Reached 61 here yesterday, dropped down to 48 overnite. 54 currently under partly cloudy sky.
  8. Cloudy here most of the afternoon, showers off to my east. Currently 57.
  9. 43 currently as of 5:30AM. Reached 56 here yesterday.
  10. 42 here currently. Reached 57 for a high yesterday.
  11. 56F here as of 4:30PM, milder temps on tap to close out the week.
  12. 43 here currently, bottomed out at 41 overnite.
  13. 46 here currently, topped out at 49 earlier today under clear sky.
  14. Light rain fallen, temp currently at 43. Had a wind gust of 53MPH, looks like the back edge of the rain makes it thru here around 7AM. Picked up 1.20" of rain overnite.
  15. 51 for a high today, currently 45 and cloudy.
  16. 32 for an overnite low here, currently 39 and clear as of 8AM.
  17. 33 here in the Berkshires this AM, temps to be in the low 40's today. Currently 41 back home.
  18. High of 68 here today, currently 53 under partly cloudy sky. Freeze watch posted for tomorrow nite into Monday AM.
  19. Currently 53 here under cloudy sky, after an overnite low of 51. High yesterday was 67.
  20. 52 here currently. Temp topped out at 73 yesterday afternoon.
  21. Reached a high of 71 here today.
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