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Everything posted by LoboLeader1

  1. Cloudy here, 72F/DP 68/RH 89%...............topped out at 86F yesterday.
  2. Current temp 67F/DP 65/RH 90%. Had a brief shower overnite just enough to dampen the ground.
  3. Looks like the home team pitched a shutout in the 1st half of this so called active year. "Atlantic is most rambunctious from about Aug. 20 to Oct. 1, with the statistical peak coming on Sept. 10. Most pre-season forecasts called for an active year with more than the average of 14 storms."
  4. Currently 66F/DP 64/RH 87%..................90F for a high yesterday.
  5. High of 90F here yesterday. Currently 68F/DP 62/RH 76%
  6. Topped out at 86 here yesterday. Currently 68F/DP 67/RH 94%
  7. Less than 0.10" of rain yesterday. Currently 71F/DP 70/RH 100%
  8. 92 here currently. RH 43%/DP 62F
  9. Noticable up tick in the humidity this AM. 72F/DP 67/RH 84%
  10. 90 here today. Currently 83F/RH 45%/DP 59
  11. A clear & crisp (50F) morning here in the Berkshires, feeling like early fall. Just 130 more days until winter solstice.
  12. 73F as of high noon here in the Berkshires, gorgeous day to be outdoors.
  13. Gorgeous morning, currently 67F & low humidity. Heading up to the Berkshires for the weekend.
  14. 75F/DP 70/RH 91% .10 in the rain bucket from the overnite & early this AM.
  15. Still quite muggy here, currently 86F/DP 65/RH 53%
  16. Much more comfortable this AM, currently 72F/DP 64/RH 74
  17. 97 for a high here yesterday. Currently 76F/DP 68/RH 73 under clear sky.
  18. 97 for the high here today, clouds have now moved in.
  19. 96 here currently, DP 72/RH 47%
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