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Everything posted by 40westwx

  1. and 2700000 cases is last weeks number.. I am sure they have many many many more cases now.
  2. I think it is safe to assume that New York city is the worse case scenario. here are the numbers: ~15000 deaths ~2700000 cases (and growing at really fast clip) Thats 0.5% Infection Mortality Rate .1% vs .5% is statistically insignificant when you are evaluating infection mortality rates in large population centers. For the CDC, we are talking about the population of the united states. In other words if you were to take in to account statistical variance, .1% and .5% really mean the same thing
  3. Okay.. I will stop .. I just think the board would be boring without an opposing voice... Phin was alright but he was wildly inconsistent. He basically disagreed with everything. My posts have been consistent and backed by numbers.
  4. I am under complete control over my emotions. If you look at my posts, the vast majority of them are numbers and facts. I think the rest of the world needs to get control over their emotions. This would not overwhelm our medical infrastructure.. what we are seeing is statistically comparable to what we saw in California and Florida in 2018 where their overall death rates flew through the roof. There was an increase of 20% in the overall mortality rate... not flu... but overall deaths for the months where the flu peeked. The difference this year is that we are looking for it. Plain and simple.
  5. BTW.. I actually got a really bad cold this week and now I can't smell the kitty litter and other crap in my house.. I am thinking.. maybe.. just maybe I did my part?
  6. Where is Ji's twitter?
  7. Welp.. the numbers are in people and it looks like several million people have or have had the Corona Virus in the greater New York metro region. This brings the total infection mortality rate to well under 1%. I know the flu numbers and also well under 1%.. like maybe 0.1% or something.. but at this point it is really just statistical semantics. By prolonging this we are simply increasing the probability that more elderly people will contract the virus. I see no reason why we should be letting this thing stick around any longer than it needs to. The fact that we are not allowing our Children and Healthy people eradicate this disease puts my parent's lives in danger. How much more data do these people need to realize that this is just another bad bug.. #StopPlayingGod
  8. Johns Hopkins is not deduplicating their data... make me ashamed to be an Alumni...
  9. I think it might be @stormtracker maybe? I don't know.. he seems to be most obvious case.. there is also some coastal weather guy from up north too.
  10. Because that year we had 12,000 more people dying every week than any of the previous/ recent years. Thats every week..
  11. “This isn’t China. This is Las Vegas, Nevada.”
  12. Just doing quick dumb dumb math in my head.. I would venture to say 150,000 to 200,000 people died from the flu in 2018.
  13. Per CDC - Total deaths per week: Week 2 - 2020 - 59,151 deaths Week 2 - 2018 - 67,495 deaths Week 2 - 2016 - 55,525 deaths Week 2 - 2014 - 55,620 deaths Quick can someone check if there was a hurricane or tsunami in January 2018? I am trying to figure out how we had a 20% increase in the overall mortality rate that year. Just to be completely factual and realistic: Week 14 - 2020 - 49,292 deaths (100% reporting) Week 14 - 2019 - 56,595 deaths Week 14 - 2018 - 55,294 deaths
  14. Probably only 60-70% of the people protesting are actual hate mongers.. the rest are just skeptics who are getting recruited..
  15. We just don't know. Remember Sweden kept schools open and there are populations all over the planet (like the poor, overcrowded, semi homeless sections of cities throughout various cites in the world) that violate social distancing by merely existing. What we see are hotspots.. where it seems really bad.. and then there is the rest of the world where the spread is more or less consistent and manageable.
  16. Again.. during 2017-2018 there were approximately 80,000 people that died in the US from the flu.. but this is confirmed laboratory tests. During those years at the height of the outbreak, there were on average 12,000 more deaths PER WEEK than the same weeks in previous years. Thats huge number.. a crazy anomaly... and the only difference that year was the flu outbreak. So you can safely assume that over at least 80,000 more peopled died from flu that year. i have tables graphs and sources to back this up. And most of those deaths were in Florida or California. They were this year's New York.. But we will never know the true severity of COVID-19 because Social Distancing is interrupting the natural process by lengthening the time in which the virus sticks around in a given population.
  17. PSU.. that has a really bad trickle up effect that causes instability in financial systems that depend on debt/rents/utilities. You also cannot unilaterally impose policy that interferes with such markets, when by doing so prevents one from their own pursuits in a market economy... This is protected in the 5th and 14th amendment. Closing down businesses in the US is getting dangerously close to crossing the line.. if is hasnt already done so. It is only going to be a matter of time before people start to realize what is going on here and realize whats at stake. A line must be drawn somewhere. I would think you of all people would understand that..
  18. I would bet my house on there being a much higher level of immunity in NJ and New York then in other parts of the country.
  19. I feel like Gyms offer one of the highest chance for communal spread.. Lets tape off the Lego section at Walmart.. but open the gyms!
  20. I saw that Restaurants are open.. but bars are not... That'll go over well!!!!
  21. It really isnt a shortage of tests. It is a shortage of qualified chemists, equipment and labs to perform the tests. We know this because there is a backlog/ wait once a sample is collected. The same will be true with an antibody test. In terms of the test itself, I remember reading that it is just a swab. Maybe sometimes the patient will cough in to something too. I am sure we can get as many of those swabs we need. The bottleneck is the analysis. We can't just "ship in" new tests. PCR is not a simple analytical process. It is sophisticated. The fact that the Chinese when straight to PCR was surprising a lot of experts. It is expensive and time consuming and not every lab is gonna have the equipment to do this.
  22. The revolt by the thirteen colonies could have been considered an emergency by the British.. and it wouldnt have made any difference
  23. My grandfather organized several marches throughout the deep south in the 60s where he marched along side MLK.. he was locked up more times than not. It did wonders for his cause! We still have the pictures of him getting maced and attacked by police dogs. I was 4 when he died (probable mafia hit).. everyone tells me I am exactly like him. I wish I knew him.
  24. A question about ones right to assembly vs an executive order to maintain social distancing while such protest, by there nature, violate such executive orders brings up a lot of really interesting constitutional debates.. I am actually really sad that the governors havent attempted to stop the demonstrations by use of force/ arrest
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