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Everything posted by 40westwx

  1. In other news.. in a "Not even trying to hide it" money grab by the elitist in Howard County, you can now pay about $1,000 a month to send your kids back to school: https://www.howardcountymd.gov/News/ArticleID/2097/News082620
  2. The truth is this.. When new york was having its surge, they were seeing 7,000 new cases per day. After a couple of weeks when people began to die, they we seeing upwards of 1,000 deaths per day. Later on in the summer Miami had a much worse outbreak, with about 10,000 new cases per day lasting for over a month. There death rate during that same period was about 100 - 200 deaths per day. The difference in the statistics is staggering. Whats more, if you factor in the fact that of the 10,000 cases per day in south florida, there was probably a ten times more people who were infected.. and also take in to account that for the 100 people a day dying in Florida, we know that this is over inflated given that Florida was over reporting deaths. This isnt some conspiracy theory... it is fact. They actually fired someone over this. I know this sounds insensitive.. 100 people dying a day in Miami from an upper respiratory infection, I am pretty sure is par for the course for a typical winter. Again.. WTF happened in New York City?
  3. I dont think this was financially driven.
  4. This article made me sad and angry - https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/what-icu-doctors-have-learned-about-covid-19-how-they-n1225801 "For patients with severe breathing problems, the Italian doctors were using a type of therapy called high flow nasal oxygen, a much less invasive approach than putting a patient on a mechanical ventilator. Patients can get 100 percent oxygen through the nose without having to have a breathing tube put in place. But an unusually high number of health care personnel in Italy — 20 percent, according to an editorial in The Lancet medical journal — were becoming infected with the coronavirus. They blamed the high flow nasal oxygen, figuring the treatment was aerosolizing the virus, spreading it to doctors and nurses. As a result, many doctors in the U.S. were initially wary of using high flow oxygen for COVID-19 patients."We were very concerned, so we didn't use it," said Dr. Hugh Cassiere, director of critical care medicine at Northwell Health's North Shore University Hospital on Long Island, New York. Instead, patients were intubated and put on ventilators, often right away. "Reports from other places was that you should put people on the ventilator early, because the disease was so rapidly progressive," Dr. Todd Rice, an associate professor of medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, said. The first few months were a learning experience. Now, doctors are trying to avoid ventilators if possible. Both Rice and Cassiere said more current data show high flow oxygen does not put health care workers at increased risk. And experience has shown them that not all patients require a ventilator. When possible, doctors see if patients improve with the high flow oxygen first" My question is this: If fear was the driving factor around the treatment of these patients and the post mortem shows that many of these patients should never have been place on a ventilator to being with.. Then is there some level of culpability on the part of these hospital administrators? Are they liable? Like WTF happened in New York? https://www.sommerspc.com/blog/2020/05/outcomes-are-not-good-for-covid-19-patients-on-ventilators/
  5. I would expect a major spike when the kids go back to school. Expecting kids to successfully socially distance is unrealistic... they generally touch their nose and mouth and then touch other things... that other people touch.. even with masks. Thinking that you can somehow create rules that change this behavior is simply not based in reality. When you see new stories about other countries or areas that have sent their kids back to school and havent experienced an increase in cases, be extremely skeptical of this.
  6. I am feeling really good about our chances as we head in to flu season! I really think we get better at handling this! https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/what-icu-doctors-have-learned-about-covid-19-how-they-n1225801
  7. I read this story from WSJ that said after the debacle in Northern Italy, many European Doctors were warning against the over use of ventilators and were recommending supplemental oxygen as the first line of defense.. but hospital protocols in NYC discouraged use of noninvasive oxygen therapy because of fear that this would aerate the virus causing it to spread within the hospitals. Furthermore ventilators and the associated induced coma would almost always lead to renal failure and require dialysis.. but hospitals werent equipped to handle the surge and many died waiting for treatment for kidney failure that they never actually needed to have. Today, Doctors are reluctant to use ventilators and often see these as "last resort" treatments. I saw a number that 90% of the people put in comas over the age of 70 in NYC never woke up. I cant believe this hasn't been brought to light.. that it is not news.
  8. Why was the fatality rate 10 times higher in the first few weeks in New York as compared to other major metropolitan areas like Miami (where they actually a larger outbreak)
  9. The number of death that can be attributed to weed annually is debatable. Some people say it is zero.. probably not correct. but by the sheer fact that someone can make that claim means that alcohol is many many many times more lethal than weed
  10. https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/alcohol-facts-and-statistics#:~:text=Alcohol-Related Deaths%3A,poor diet and physical inactivity. Alcohol-Related Deaths: An estimated 88,0005 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women5) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States. The first is tobacco, and the second is poor diet and physical inactivity.6
  11. When I was a kid I was arrested several times for possession and I was a huge advocate of legalized weed.. I was basically a conscientious objector. Looking back on this period, I really wish I was not exposed to it at such young age. I can say from first hand experience that for anyone who has a propensity to addiction, legalized marijuana provides a means to an end.
  12. Things got really weird here for a few weeks. There were like two or three of us that wanted to talk about the sensible solutions like protecting the elderly by building natural immunity in the young population and that proved to be too much for the subforum so they shut it down.
  13. my tradition is to open the sun roof and windows and drive with the kids on first flakes! This usually seem to always be around halloween - november 15th
  14. If last night's GFS verified i would chase.. the 318 hour frame is just silly
  15. Definitely not a first. Nova Scotia actually has several historic events Tropical/ Snow events.. Sandy too
  16. I just think it needs to get worse before it gets better... the wealth disparity is astonishing in my opinion. I work three jobs and noone does anything.. they just having meetings... its like we live in a state of institutional welfare.. the haves and have nots.. if you make it to this side of the fence.. you can collect a paycheck by sending emails and talking on the phone all day.. If you are on the other side you are overworked, under paid and probably laid off. I feel like there needs to be a big correction. I hope to cash in on it.
  17. Best thing for the state of the economy would be to just cancel all temp government relief.. I really feel like we need to let the markets take care of themselves
  18. I just pulled the trigger on NASDAQ: AAL I was hoping that they would announce a "no bailout".. but I couldnt wait any longer.. It is at 20 percent of its 2018 value
  19. We just need the 500mb to pass about 75 miles a little further south
  20. Dont get me wrong.. Lamar could possibly be the most entertaining athlete in the history of Baltimore Sports.. the only thing that comes close might be Ray Lewis when he was single handedly winning games on the defensive side of the ball... I cannot speak for Palmer or Frank in their prime..but I heard that they were pretty good.. and swimming is just.. you know.. swimming. but I doubt Lamar because he has not proven that he can win the big game. Flacco won like 3 playoff games in his first two seasons.. 10 playoff wins overall.. which btw ranks 10th all time.. the nine above him are the greatest of all time. My wife thinks Flacco is on the spectrum, that he doesnt experience nervousness like normal people do.. I think there may be some truth to that. If he stays healthy.. he has a chance to win some games in New York. I dont expect anything more.. there is not much talent around him.
  21. Its happening this year! We are gonna have an epic ns winter like 2014. Get ready for over performing Clippers!
  22. As a great leader once said.. He "choke(s), just like in a golf tournament, they miss a 3-foot putt,"
  23. MVP and Madden cover means nothing when you can't win a home playoff game against mediocre teams that you already beat in the regular season.
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