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MN Transplant

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Everything posted by MN Transplant

  1. The impulse kicking off our next set of storms appears to be in SE Ohio right now. Had 0.33" earlier with a one rumble of thunder.
  2. Outside, in Arizona, in summer. These games are all going to be starting at 11pm on the east coast.
  3. It seems like the NAM/HRRR are hitting upon three different rounds. Effectively, they are taking the "complex" near Pittsburgh and washing that out, but developing some early storms mostly south of DC. The 2nd round is after sundown, and that appears to be our best shot for some thunder. Then the front comes through in the early am hours. The NAM is more keen on the first round, while the HRRR generally likes the 2nd round better (nice cell coming down the Potomac on the 14z).
  4. We switched to Zoom less than a month ago and it is working perfectly. Had a big meeting earlier this week and did the multiple breakout rooms and everything. Stellar. There is a lot of fretting at the higher levels about productivity, but with the lower number of meetings, no travel, and few distractions, our core productivity is way up. I went to grab groceries at lunchtime today and I'd say 60-70% of people were wearing masks. Felt like being in a hospital. It was legit creepy.
  5. Really nice out there now. In the last 14 days, I've only marked 0.00" twice. Not a ton of rain (<2"), but a consistently wet period.
  6. Effortlessly tied the record high at DCA. 83
  7. (I like both movies) Watched Frozen 2 with the family last night. Must have hit it within an hour of it appearing on Disney+.
  8. Closed. Can’t see them opening prior to Easter.
  9. I read somewhere that shortness of breath is a sign. That's the extent of my medical knowledge. Went to a financial planner that recommended that based on my age/retirement dates and risk tolerance, I should shift to the L2050 fund which is obviously more aggressive. He said that at near the market top. I made the realignment this afternoon. Saved 20%+ on the way down. If it goes down more, eh, don't care.
  10. The argument on the other side is that while you can't contain the spread, you can slow it down so that hospitals do not become overwhelmed. That is the scary scenario for the rest of us that aren't really at a high risk.
  11. I feel like an idiot having to cheat by looking at the comments. D^6th is a dead giveaway that this is the radar equation. https://courses.comet.ucar.edu/pluginfile.php/3721/mod_imscp/content/1/the_radar_equation.html
  12. That's the problem with storm reports. One was a branch down and another was a tree down. But that doesn't really tell you if the winds were super-strong or whether the trees are in terrible shape. I gusted higher this morning at my house than last night and I was in a pretty good storm spot last night.
  13. Hail and lightning. Better than 75% of summer storms.
  14. HRRR going with gusts in the mid-40s after the line passes. That might be more interesting than the showery line.
  15. I mowed two weekends ago, more as a mulching to get rid of the leaves. I've noticed that I do have new growth in places. Must depend on the type of grass. The winter weeds have been horrible for the past two years.
  16. I believe that this digital snow thread image is perfect for our subforum this year.
  17. First iris opened this weekend and the daffodils look ready to pop. Ordered a pile of soil. Go time.
  18. Only the second time this month I’ve entered 0 for my CoCoRaHS report. This really has been an awful period.
  19. 19.0. Coldest of the winter. DCA at 22 so far. Might be a year without a sub-20 low there.
  20. Crocuses are up, maple tree has the early red fuzz.
  21. It isn’t unusual to have our daffodils and irises poking out by now, but they are really mature looking. Maybe Saturday morning will stunt the growth.
  22. I haven't been below 20 either. I really don't know what that means for the bugs/plants.
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