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Everything posted by McHenrySnow

  1. Woodward, Oklahoma closing strong. Solid winter for them.
  2. I do honestly try to be optimistic, it's just not in my nature. That's REALLY optimistic, though!
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if some of you who have continuously gotten snow this week do okay. I'm hoping for an inch. Have yet to see an inch from a single event this week, so it might be a fool's errand. Regardless, it's nice to have snow on the ground and I'm trying to just come to peace with the fact that that's as good as it's going to get this winter.
  4. At this point I can either laugh or cry. I’m laughing maniacally.
  5. We're in the same boat. So sick of everyone else getting snow. lol My snow envy knows no bounds and these boards don't help.
  6. I hope this one is ours, after missing out on the others. I've been jealous of all the fluff further south piling up this week!
  7. Away from the lake clouds it has warmed up big time. 18º already, 5º above forecast high. Mid-February sun means business. Excited for tonight. Yes, I'm excited for what will hopefully be at least an inch of fluff tonight.
  8. You southerners appear to be getting your wish, NAM is further south this morning. It's your winter, no doubt about it.
  9. Is a LOT AFD worth reading if Ricky didn't write it?
  10. I like this look. Would be nice if those of us further north finally got in the action. Someone said golden area was north of I-80, but it's especially been good the past two weeks between I-90 and I-80.
  11. I'd love a Friday night storm and would gladly take GFS/GEM/UKIE totals. Won 't buy any high ratios until the event is much closer.
  12. You lucked out and at least got in the heavier band for a little while. I'm too far north. Definitely no big flakes here.
  13. Incredibly frustrating to keep barely missing out. Yes, they're minor events, but they add up, as many of you can attest and with this cold and dry pattern, any amount is appreciated.
  14. I could definitely see the band setting up a bit further north, especially the further east you go keeping everything Purdue mentioned in mind. Still won't allow myself to hope for more than an inch at this point. RAP and HRRR have been consistent with some better snows across McHenry and Lake than originally forecasted (marginally).
  15. WWA issued by LOT. Does not include northern tier.
  16. Just up here waiting impatiently, but happy to hear about the ratios. HRRR and RAP give me reason to be optimistic I can get at least an inch this afternoon. Temp is up to a balmy 8º.
  17. While I definitely prefer more snow than I will get this week, I'll still have a smile on my face since it will feel like winter. #stoptheantiwinterbiasofweatherreporting
  18. Keep hope? Are you feeling okay? lol
  19. At least we have snow on the ground, but, yes, suppression always a concern, especially with cold of this magnitude.
  20. Our promising week is quickly becoming cold and dry.
  21. I was hoping for 2" yesterday and now I'm hoping for 1" and that seems unlikely. I just want to have enough to shovel and increase the size of my snow piles!
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