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Everything posted by McHenrySnow

  1. If this falls apart for the Chicago area, you guys can blame me. I had spinal surgery in December and am still not allowed to lift more than 5-10lbs. So I can't shovel a heavy snow and don't think I'll be out there every 45 minutes either. Needless to say, took the snowblower out for the first time in ages.....so it might be all over now.
  2. It's still the furthest south with tonight's event in the Ohio Valley though it has ticked north toward the rest of guidance. Hopefully it will begin to do the same, but it's stubborn.
  3. Sounds absolutely disgusting.
  4. GFS also furthest south with the system tomorrow in the Ohio Valley. While Louisville NWS did put out a Watch this evening, it's clear they are putting more stock in the other models, all of which show the heaviest snow further north. If the GFS were to verify, and there was confidence in it, Paducah would need to put out a Watch.
  5. UKMET would have us believe there will be a lot of lake enhancement.
  6. Yes, there are several parameters involved. Though, again, enhancement isn't as fickle since it merely involves the lake adding some extra moisture to the air (generally speaking).
  7. A small difference between the ICON and GFS.
  8. No such thing as nuisance snow, but I understand the disappointment. It's been amazing to watch the totals decrease with every run. Terrible, awful, no good winter continues.
  9. It was obvious this one wasn't going to amount to much and with the warm up tomorrow, I was actually okay with it. I had been putting all my hope in Saturday and now that looks like it's going to be a dud here as well. So much for that.
  10. You will take your 4-5" battered snow cover and be grateful!
  11. Twitter is pretty much for white supremacists and incels these days (i know, not mutually exclusive terms by any means).
  12. last person anyone wants starting it. you're the ultimate storm killer.
  13. Correct and accurate are two different things, pal. I don't think you get to dictate how I measure and record my own damn snow, but glad you both could be assholes this morning and remind me why I stay off these boards.
  14. I know how you are supposed to record snow at O'Hare and I know how I record snow for my own purposes. I didn't get 3.8" of snow, but appreciate the concern.
  15. Yeah, I measure my snow accurately rather than rounding up.
  16. I find it hilarious, but we tied for biggest snow total again at 3.75". That makes 3 snows at 3.75" each this winter. Two of which happened in the past 10 days or so.
  17. Very pleasantly surprised - nearing 3" with one more really good band before ending. Finally crossed the 20" mark for the season!
  18. Best time for NE IL has always been midnight to 2 or 3.
  19. I know the LES band was north of you, but i assumed you still got some earlier. Did you not?
  20. I should have said "clearly a band of stronger returns in the general area of flurries/light snow" - there is also another band further south toward Chicago.
  21. There's clearly a LES band in the northern suburbs affecting Grayslake, McHenry, and Woodstock (and further west). It's not half bad. Nothing crazy, but bursts of decent snow and lovely fluffy dendrites.
  22. We've been getting lake flurries and occasionally a snow shower since yesterday. While not intense, I'm pretty impressed by how far inland they are managing to make it. Hope this bodes well for the main show.
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