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Leesville Wx Hawk

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Everything posted by Leesville Wx Hawk

  1. Y’all do realize that 98 percent of this forum needs to pull for it to be cold first and foremost. That has been the issue therefore all cold trends are good, if you want snow. Worry about precipitation specifics later.
  2. It’s definitely worth noting however as you point out. If you trust just the GFS operational exclusively at this point, you’re failing to see the bigger picture regardless of outcome. .
  3. Even that year it snowed like 4 inches one day at 34 degrees LOL. Not sure what RDU got but I was working just north of RDU. .
  4. I feel ya on this. We were screwed in the 90s for sure. One time we had a winter storm warning and got nothing. Last night was a kick to the stomach but we will keep posting and hoping until early March.
  5. I’m guessing the European will be different but closer?
  6. I can’t think of a more deserving person for digital love! Congratulations!!
  7. I never thought VDay was viable here in northern N or other parts of the sub forum-too warm. I’m interested in the following storm and beyond as the pac ridge builds back with a good west based -NAO. If nothing by March 3rd, I will start to really have doubts. Hopefully this next one will give at least a taste even if snow geese are not fed in parts/ most of sub forum.
  8. 6 and 12z GFS ops were not too far off but the storm has been in the southeast on the Euro and Canadian ops as well. Details far from clear yet but that along with the synoptic outlook is basically the epitome of what this forum is about. My guess is that something more definitive will appear in the coming days regarding the 18-20th. Let’s see, it may ot may not work out.
  9. Happy hour lately is driving me to drink. What a catch 22!
  10. I’m willing to wait a bit myself. Operationals are all over the place while the Ensembles and weeklies have been consistent with the pattern turning more conducive towards wintry possibilities.
  11. Y’all aren’t excited to see a few sleet pellets or ZR at hour 348?
  12. And if it doesn’t work out, will be happy to get off work on a Friday and hit golf balls and not freeze to death. I don’t like cold just for the sake of being cold. i have a feeling at lead a flizzard will occur at some point.
  13. I feel ya but that’s the best chance we will have besides 8 days from now and that looks to be a good chance for something after mid month.
  14. I’m okay with a torch before we get blocking later in February. Euro weeklies showing game on after mid month. We just need an inch or 2 to claim victory and I think we will get it. It’s tough right now but we still have time to pull something off. .
  15. Looks like the low was a bit further north which has been a trend over the past few runs. When you look at the other models and ensembles, it’s not a terrible look. .
  16. 30 inches is a bit too much snow to me. The thing is that a storm is entirely possible now given the blocking is currently forecasted on the ensembles. .
  17. Well the cats out of the bag now. I hinted before 0z came out.
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