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Everything posted by stormdragonwx

  1. Seeing some analogs referring to the 1957-58, 1976-77, and 2009-10 seasons for this winter. Some interesting years there in my neck of the woods. Also an article talking about it. https://www.nwahomepage.com/news/featured-stories/your-weather-authoritys-official-2023-2024-winter-forecast/?fbclid=IwAR18RsWkMnBT3So4VZWvmcyFsixq0qvEPHMb_JCMU2QRYbg6XWeTHAXIX0E
  2. Depends on what you count as an independent tornado. You had the four main tornado sequences then the instance with the three waterspouts in the "We got cows!" scene, then if you count each one on the "Tornado Hill" sequence as a separate tornado then you got close to 11-12 tornadoes in the film which IIRC was what most happened to see on the 2016 Dodge City day.
  3. Man has anyone seen some of the modeled CAPE values in the panhandles? 10k in spots! Never seen that before.
  4. Weird year indeed, its like May got postponed a month.
  5. Tornado briefly on the ground SW of Newcastle via Ch. 6 live stream https://www.facebook.com/watch/live?ref=watch_permalink&v=1140074244053960
  6. Newcastle, Bridge Creek and... Moore looking to possibly get hit yet again. Brief tornado already reported. Typical May in Oklahoma.
  7. Another chaser apparently got rolled by a tornado in IL, chaser drama currently ongoing on Twitter in response to it.
  8. Thought I'd note too 2500-3500 MLCAPE and 300-500 j/kg SRH was more than what was encountered in central/eastern AR Friday. Yikes. I will be interested to see how the storm motions evolve too. So far it looks similar to Friday as well. 50-70 mph NE movement. Being at night will be especially dangerous if there's a violent wedge on the ground.
  9. Can't help but feel my area is gonna get nailed tomorrow. Also the same model (RRFS A) that nailed the Little Rock tornadic supercell is showing a storm tracking right over my area after 05z tomorrow night. Also the HREF is already lighting up the STP probs.
  10. Ominous new D2. The familiar trend continues.
  11. SPC Outlooks that seem to be straight out of the movie "Groundhog Day". Lovely
  12. I know everyone is going on about that northern watch box but the southern one will be no slouch either. Both Highs seem justified. We got sunshine down here right now.
  13. My current target area is Searcy, AR, seems to check out.
  14. Pivotal Weather released an interesting new CAM model to their data feed. The RRFS A. It shows a pretty ugly situation for central and eastern AR by early afternoon tomorrow.
  15. I haven't gone out yet this year and I may actually bite on this with the southern target. Looks to have somewhat slower storm motions and its only 4 hours away for me compared to the northern target. It also looks to not be an entirely overnight event, which is a plus. I will decide later tonight.
  16. From Adam Lucio on Facebook: "Pray for Rolling Fork and Silver City, MS. This tornado claimed many lives tonight. I unfortunately have footage of a vehicle’s headlights orbiting the tornado shortly after this. Not sure I’ll post it due to the sensitive nature of it." https://www.facebook.com/TornadoChasing/posts/pfbid02ExazSVNa8ZWB2Q2AP7M7vF66Cgj7b4MbyRD64nQ7rGCXbkemUTS5e3HC7QruG9Djl
  17. Silver City, MS tornado screencap. Thats insane. Image Credit: Brett Adair
  18. Yeah I am saving these radar scan frames. This is historic.
  19. It appears to have grazed the south side of Smithville going by the CC data.
  20. You can pretty much make out the tornado vortex itself. I haven't seen a CC debris ball depicting a donut in a long time.
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