Yeah GFS took a dump too. Not as dramatically as the Euro, but noticeable. 4-6" looks to be the high end versus the widespread 6-12" we were looking at a couple days ago. Only one still going crazy is the Canadian but its focusing a swath of 15-20 inches (Kuchera) way down in Central/Southern AR now. Looks like the moisture is being choked off & shunted to the SE.
And naturally I got new tires and wiper blades. lol
Pretty amused with the silly GFS model calling snowpocalypse next week for Northern Arkansas with 3+ feet happening in that pocket over Harrison. Society would come to a screeching hault if this were to happen. lol
Yeah a definite overperformer over here. Got an inch in less than an hour. Its covering streets and driveways too. Probably have 2+ inches on the east side of town. The heaviest part of the band hasn't moved all the way thru yet.
HRRR still wants to overperform on this upcoming weekend system. GFS, Canadian, Euro and UKMET all hitting hard for next weeks system still. Euro being the most conservative.
Indeed its a pretty crazy flip from what we have seen so far this winter, especially with back to back systems on the long range, also reminds me of 2011. Fingers crossed it doesn't do a 180 in the next 48-72 hours.
Pretty jealous for parts of Southern Missouri today. I was tempted to do a snow storm chase up there. Looks like areas around Springfield got 2+ inches according to a NWS report I saw. I saw a mere dippin dot on my car windshield today, NWA just barely missed it again. lol
I will be curious to see if the Southern Plains east of I-35 into the Ozarks will see a decent winter system before the year is out. There's a chance hinted at on the models around the 11th or so but that's way up in the air. I'll admit last winter kinda spoiled me after years of drought when it comes to snow. lol
While the snowfall doesn't look to be happening too much past the I-35/44 corridor as the models shown nearly 2 weeks ago, thats still quite impressive that they had it shown in the general area so consistently.
Yeah its total wishcasting as of right now but the models are finally showing signals for snow in the area. Been doing this for several runs around the 26th.