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Everything posted by greenmtnwx

  1. In all honesty I very much commend you for your hard work, research and effort. The problem is that you’re leaning into a science which is extremely difficult to forecast at a human level that far out. Your accuracy gets you in trouble, but your effort is to be commended.
  2. That’s called persistence and those guys have been dead right over a lot of the other pro mets. We all owe the pope an apology lol
  3. I have to say up here in the Vermont ski resorts this is a 1 in 50 year Christmas week. This is what I would call a bankruptcy special. Some smaller mountains are going to have a hard time financially. One of those where one or two might not open in the future.
  4. Pop the teeth in, change the Depends and head over to Frog Pond for some skating!
  5. My son at school at Montana State University in Bozeman has reported that the locals say it’s one of the warmest falls and Decembers that they could ever imagine. Almost unfathomable, many days highs 20 to 30° above average. Bridger bowl is barely open and have essentially had no natural snow this year. On the flipside, the last two weekends he’s driven down to Jackson hole and grand Targhee to ski. He reported that Jackson hole was decent, in pretty good shape but that grand Targhee was exceptional. They’ve had close to 150 inches of snow so far and had 3 feet of powder when he was there. That place is just a snow magnet and almost as consistent as you could ever imagine. But as for big sky and his area of Montana, hideously warm and snowless to date. The president of Montana State university actually sent an email out to us saying that a lot of students were bummed about the start to the winter and hopefully it arrives soon, hang in there.
  6. If you pinched the most diehard optimist here even they would admit it looks like crap. And December was a big disappointment. It can snow in December and just a week or 10 days ago the period just before and into the holiday week looked promising.
  7. I didn’t think they looked quite as good in the early January as yesterday. Can I also point out that you got a put a lot more stock in the 7 to 10 day operational‘s which continue to look hideous then the fantasy 2+ week ensembles., They’ve been fooling you for a month now.
  8. Come on man, they have every right to be. Don’t sugarcoat it, this is bad. The holiday mountain season is ruined and we just threw a month of winter away. Call it like it is.
  9. Where's that white chrsitmas you promised. Tongue planted in cheek.
  10. Close the blinds folks its over.
  11. We aren’t the only ones suffering. My son is at school at Montana State University in Bozeman and the snow has been lean this year. Big sky is only now getting some snow but it’s been a really warm and dry start. Bridger can barely open . Bozeman locals saying it’s probably the worst they’ve seen, 50s in December. Although he did slip away to Grand Targhee last weekend where they got their typical couple of feet of powder.
  12. They going to put up 125 points this year and then choke again?
  13. Gonna make a run at 60s Christmas week
  14. Grinch popping up all over the long range
  15. Good inch and half here near Stratton at 1,800’. Been snowing close to inch an hour.
  16. Nobody has any clue what the weather pattern will be like 3 weeks from now let alone this winter. I don’t care if you have a raging El Niño, a record La Niña or locusts and plague, all it takes is one favorable stubborn stretch of a pattern and you can do fine (or not). Your crystal ball is as good as mine.
  17. Not sure what’s more disappointing in Stowe this season, the foliage or the $47 toll road fee lol
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