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Everything posted by greenmtnwx

  1. Not true. We absolutely want a +PNA. Suppression is always much less of a risk in the NYC than is a hugger. That’s why it never snows in DC and does in New England. Always take the arctic cold and it’ll find a way to snow.
  2. Anything longer than a few weeks forecast is garbage as we know. A lot of time is put in, but you may as well throw a dart.
  3. I disagree in the New York City area you want as cold as you can get because we rarely get suppression but we often aren’t cold enough. In my experience living 47 years here it’s deep arctic cold that usually brings memorable snow and wintry periods.
  4. Long range look on the overnights didn’t help. That PV looks pretty strong and jet stream displaced pretty far north. Not good.
  5. On the bright side the timing of the -pna pattern is ideal for rolling into a wintry pattern for the holiday. Grinch likelihood low this year as the SE ridge pushes east in response to beneficial stages of the mjo we should be sitting pretty for a good holiday period from after the 20th to the NY.
  6. Electric snowblower and chainsaw? Does your husband have any yard tools as well Jerry? Just kidding.
  7. Agree. I don’t know, I thought the overnight runs improved some and weren’t too bad. Pretty blocky. This early in the season that can be the kind of pattern that can be pretty anomalous good or bad and often lead to a sneaky event even if swings in temp are pretty wild. Seemed like the Pig backed off too. The early pattern has really only meant something to the ski areas. Gonna be a slow start. But I’m sure they’d sacrifice that for a good holiday season and meat of the season.
  8. UVM is only a mile from waterfront.
  9. Snowing fairly steady here at Stratton. Somewhat heavy at times. Not much accumulation down at base level but top of the mountain capped in white.
  10. Scott what happened at Stowe zip line?
  11. Well I apologize because I was really more meaning that I felt NH is way underutilized as a ski state given the incredible mountains that are the Whites. I actually like NH in many more ways than VT because the Whites are just that more impressive. I feel bad that NH isn't what I think it could be in the ski industry. If course I still have a great time at Wildcat or Loon or WV. But VT really capitalized. I do have to still disagree on NE vs the West though. For sure I was meaning the big resorts because when I'm there I am usually at a Big Sky or Jackson or Mammoth, but I can't compare them to VT when I come back. I mean the expansive terrain there, especially back country, and times I've skied there when they've had 100" of snow in two weeks, it's just a different animal. I love New england skiing, and it's home to me.
  12. I agree with them, compared to out west VT skiing is a joke lol
  13. BW is a fine family, confidence building cruiser place to ski. It just can’t be compared in the same category as a Stowe, Sugarbush, or even the glades at Stratton or Jay.
  14. We are not Apres either much. We are a head back at 4pm, have a few pops and some mac n cheese at the cabin and my head his the pillow at 8. I'm out on the couch half the time. I was just saying the skiing and snow NH can't beat VT. The Whites are awesome and far more impressive in many ways, but NH just didn't get the skiing right.
  15. Agree that NH chose some of the wrong mountains to build on, but wind and weather there seems more of a challenge than the spine of the VT Greens in general. On Dorset, that mountain just doesn't get enough snow. Same with Equinox, which looks like it would be a hell of a great snow bowl to ski but they just don't get the snow. For some off reason those SW VT peaks which are really nice mountains and impressive terrain only get maybe ~90" of snow, while a mountain like Stratton gets close to double that. I guess it's lack of upslope or maybe some type of downsloping off the 'Dacks or something but it's prominent.
  16. It’s a shame that NH skiing is fairly subpar. Considering the incredible terrain and vertical that the Whites have to offer in the East it’s kind of puzzling NH doesn’t do skiing better. It’s probably the biggest reason I chose VT over NH for my cabin even though I love the Whites and plenty of things about NH. VT just beats the pants off of them in skiing and snow and the whole ski vibe.
  17. I live in NJ and VT so I know NJ. Forky lives in the shithole armpit of NJ.
  18. Those northerly solutions are looking good. Aside from scattered heavy rains in storms this will generally be a non-event for heavy rain and flooding NYC south.
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