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Everything posted by rcostell

  1. Just cleared (temporarily) on north side of Whiteface after more fluff overnight...snow showers were persistent in that flow...we'll see what we can do over here with upcoming disturbance...hoping for 2-4?
  2. Thanks Tip. No. would not be asking for Philly in this subform...no way that happens. Was more curious if you thought cold push would continue to ooze south- meaning better chances for warning snow just west of "Powderfreak land".
  3. How much for Philly? (kidding). Tip- Interested in your thoughts on possibilty of continued cold "press" vs the omnipresent southeast ridge. Seems like these forces are currently depicted as deadlocked? Thanks, trying to learn... as spend a lot of time just west (eastern ADK's) of BTV.
  4. Yes, Whiteface verified... quote from local paper: (Our Camp at 1850 feet just to the north of Whiteface touched -30F. Was -27F still at 8 AM, warmed quickly after) The summit of Whiteface Mountain fell to minus 40.2 degrees Fahrenheit at about 3 a.m. Saturday, setting the record for the coldest recorded temperature there. “That speaks to the cold front and how dense the air is. It’s just an abnormally cold air mass that goes pretty deep up into the atmosphere,” said Scott McKim, science manager at the Whiteface Mountain field station of the University at Albany’s Atmospheric Sciences Research Center. The station recorded the previous record, minus 38.9 degrees Fahrenheit, overnight on Valentine’s Day in February 2016. The center has operated the Whiteface weather station at the summit since the 1940s.
  5. Whiteface summit inched down to -40F. Very cold night in the 'dacks. -26F outside at 1850' on north side of Whiteface.
  6. Whiteface at -39F at 6.20 broke their previous all-time record low of -38.9F. Temperature continues to fall.
  7. "Upstream" of you folks: -14 at my Camp just north of Whiteface. Whiteface summit just dropped to -32F w/windchill at -74F. Summit is about 1300 lower than "the Rockpile". Impressive cold.
  8. (Kind of meaningless game, regardless. ) 7 miles east of Philly- When that convective line went through- temp dropped from 47 to 36 in about 5 minutes. Rain/Sleet/Snow mix- hard. No lightning though. Has flipped to moderate snow now- 31F.
  9. ...Somewhere, James is smiling...!
  10. Above Normal. Everywhere. Eye opening for many.
  11. Boy I'll say...AC stole my snow...
  12. Disclaimer: "asking for a friend"... Longtime mostly lurker will be in Whiteface Mountain area Sunday- Thursday if "my friend" chooses to drive up. We are low on snowpack there for sure. Safe to say that area of northern "Dacks is in a good spot for 6-12", given variables? Appreciate learned opinions or heckling!
  13. Try some "Lava" brand stout if you can get it. Unlike Einstock, its not exported. Viking stuff- one will hold you for a bit.
  14. Enjoy! Spent lots of time in each place...South Dakota Badlands are just otherwordly. Try to see them at sunrise or sunset. Hayden or Lamar Valleys in Yellowstone will yield most game (wolves!) sightings at sunrise/sunset as well. Try to swing by Devils Tower in eastern Wyoming and Do NOT miss seeing the Tetons rising over 7000 feet from Snake River plain with no foothills! Have a great trip.
  15. I think that note is heartfelt and representative of many.
  16. I hope someone from this forum will write something up for James in the funeral home "tribute wall". I think his family would be comforted by knowing the outpouring of sentiment and positive remembrances of his character that have occured in this community. The person that was James had many fans its quite obvious.
  17. Lets all pull for "the James storm" this winter.
  18. Avid follower and longtime lurker here. I had not met James..but "knew" him through this forum. He was truly a fixture...especially during impending or ongoing snow events. His enthusiasm seemed unwavering. He was underred by the good natured "ain't happening James"- but the amount of times he was referred to just shows the value his context added to this board. What a character- he can't be replaced here. We thank him for his Air Force service, also. God bless him and his family.
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