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Everything posted by rcostell

  1. I asked that a new thread be created to take that myopic, off-topic bickering out of this "Climate Change" thread. The person obliged and its now elsewhere, thankfully.
  2. ChescoWX- Would you mind going back into the "Climate Change Thread" and letting a couple folks know that you created this new thread for the "Chester County" observations battle. Thank You
  3. Perhaps, as you previously mentioned- you could take the continuous "Chester County statiscal feud" dialogue out of this thread and start a seperate topic. This would enable this thread to be much more readable and useful to those of us who want to learn about climate change and see new information. I think several others have written similar subtle hints... much obliged.
  4. I had a visitor looking at me this morning. More likely looking at his reflection. After being so rare in New Jersey in my youth, they now wander the neighborhood like gant chickens. he's a BIG Tom...
  5. Thank You! Someone had to say it. Ignore the anatgonist and enrich the thread so its worthy of its name...The micro focus makes zero sense.
  6. The work wrt Thwaites is disconcerting… Florida insurance rates just further lifted off…that’s the least of it. .
  7. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2404766121 I just read and draw logical data driven conclusions on a larger scale than your micro plot. One example of evidence attached below. Facts. Take care out there. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2404766121
  8. Chubbs- I don't think he's missing the point... I think he's ignoring it, as he seems too entrenched and can't seem to figuratively "get his head out of the ostrich hole of denialism." (The euphemism "current warming cycle" is inserted often to further line the walls of the ostrich hole). You can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink- the trick is to make it thirsty... your attempts at "making the horse thirsty" seem to be falling on deaf ears. Unfortunately, climate change will be making us ALL thirstier in months/years to come. Some will only drink when that happens. Perhaps time to move on and ignore the outliers?
  9. "Good to see the non-homogenized raw actual data starting to change minds!! Climate change is real and constant no one can deny this....but folks are indeed catching on that there is not a climate crisis and of course nothing at all to be alarmed at!" - Completely fabricated singular opinion. Stop the back spin "propoganda" and look at other data. See below link as example. Climate change may be "constant"- but its clear the rate of warming is unprecedented in recent geologic time. Too many correlations and data to keep spinning this in a way that insults common sense. Please stop. https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/noaa-confirms-4th-global-coral-bleaching-event
  10. Powderfreak, J.Spin- Appreciate the insightful comments on your local weather, microclimate. I try to apply them when considering my locale (admittedly not in this forum, but 'close") over in the 'Dacks- 3 miles or so from summit of Whiteface- at the very foot of its northern slopes...about 1800' in Franklin County. Your detail and knowledge is remarkable to a lurker like me... Much respect.
  11. My local hiil, Whiteface, having a tough go... https://www.adirondackexplorer.org/stories/whiteface-complaints
  12. Thank You for inspiring me today. Your fortitude and determination put the rest of us to shame. Glad you had a great day weather-wise.
  13. Heres a record level chart...Stone cold sobering. Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 10.48.31 AM 2.pdf
  14. Haddon Heights NJ- 6 miles east of Phila...Overperforming wind here. Gusting in 40's and 50's frequently. We are 55 miles inland. Power still on but flickering. "thin red line" on radar to our southwest approaching. If that mixes down- we will know it quick. Its coming, NE folks...
  15. Great pictures that capture the moment...Thanks for sharing them.
  16. Not New England, but not far. Hope you don't mind. About 7-8 inches of very heavy wet snow at 32 degrees almost throughout, here at 1800' near Whiteface. Power out for hours, some trees down in immediate (very rural) area. Birch bender for sure. Still snowing lightly, bit of upslope. Down in nearby WIlmington- probably 4 inches or less- elevation driven.
  17. 32 degrees and about an inch down at 1800 ft north side of Whiteface in northern Dacks. No wind to speak of.
  18. 3 miles north of Whiteface Mountain- 1800'. Steady Light/moderate snow all morning. 2-3"?
  19. Nice try- he's from Pennsylvania...
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