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About rcostell

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Haddon Heights, NJ
  • Interests
    Lots of Stuff including weather

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  1. Q: In your world, what geographical area is "our"? What is a "cylical cycle"? "Thought it best" for whos benefit? Thanks for enlightening us...
  2. Sir/Ms- I've been around the world, been through a lot, seen a lot, and pretty sure I'm older than you so I'm fairly confident I'm a realist- not what you are referring to me as, above. The name callling can stop. "Unprecedented" is a real word, with real meaning. I chose it carefully. Did you even look at the video? (again, attached below) For your benefit- I took a little time to find a good example (there are many) that cleanly addressed your words in a post above: "Only if we can ever link climate change to any adverse real world weather events." The video provides actual, visual evidence of exactly that. Of course you can focus on parsing words and personal opinion and a bit of name calling- its not relevant or pleasant- but within your right. My opinion is that perhaps you should get out of your "bunker" in Chester County more- look around and observe ground truth not from behind a computer but in a larger, non-digital setting. Ask yourself why you are online, labelling someone you have never met- at 2.30 AM on a Sunday morning as opposed to not. https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=aiden+robbins+danger+in+alps&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:807a5e76,vid:R0NGujTF1Xw,st:0
  3. Heres a video link that documents climate change manifesting weather changes that have and are causing unprecedented, "non-cyclical" and unrepeatable physical changes to an area and its mountains (millions of years old) I have visited and yes, seen with my own eyes. It checks all the boxes you set out and name-call others who believe what they see. The world is much larger than Chester County, I'm afraid... https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=aiden+robbins+danger+in+alps&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#
  4. OK- Understood. Here's a "link" to a respected institution of higher learning that elaborates on exactly where you are "coming from". Hope you find it of value. https://environment.yale.edu/news/article/link-between-climate-change-and-extreme-weather
  5. On the subject of drought- I'm 66 and have never seen it this dry, this long. Even the natural bogs down near Chatsworth in the Pines are bone dry.
  6. Much obliged Mike. I can give it another 24 hours or so before making the call. Appreciate your thoughts.
  7. Mike- Always appreciate your time and comments in this forum.. Hope I'm not imposing on asking your opinion on the likely hood that a 9 PM Tuesday evening flight out of PHL (to Madrid- retirement vacation) will be cancelled? Too soon to hypothesize at this time? Much obliged on any comments on trends... I'd have to pull the trigger later tomorrow on reschedule...
  8. Calm down. One day you might look back at the data thats being collected at a macro level and have regrets on your current isolated and demeaning positions taken on this board.
  9. Respectfully disagree, as we stand now. Current low streamflow (drought conditions) and an unimpressive snowpack would work against "major" (as you state) or for that matter, substantial ice jams unless extremely heavy rains manifest. (We spend a lot of time near/in the Au Sable river in the eastern Adirondacks, where ice jams with resultant flooding are all too common. Different environmentals at work there than here.
  10. Saranac Lake Airport hit -22F...
  11. Nice quiet, rural area, there and south...real "South Jersey". I know the feeling- son in Denver, daughter in San Diego.
  12. Tamarack- Agree Enjoy your "home posts" from the North country....Where in Gloucester County are you at present? I live up in Haddon Heights- next county north. Had about 1.5 here on non paved areas- nice to see. Our Camp on north side of Whiteface Mountain in the 'Dacks continues to get slow buildup of fluff from upslope. Was there last weekend and caught a hefty lake effect band oscillate through...nice to see the mood snow her in South Jersey.
  13. Its actually almost 700 miles east and 4500 higher in elevation than "Sin City"...
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