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About Ahoff

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Pittsburgh (in the City)

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  1. Extended on models looks...not good. While it doesn't look all that warm compared to some Decembers, the theme seems to be when it's warm we're wet, and when it's cold we're dry.
  2. Some interesting stuff in the extended model runs.
  3. What’s it look like for Wednesday. The future radar on the news this morning looked interesting. Couldn’t hear what they were saying as I was at the gym.
  4. Did see the thunder snow last night. Was driving home right as the change happened was fast and hard. Really wild.
  5. Trend is our friend now. Up to 2" expected. Low end is 1, high is 3". Let's keep it going.
  6. This is of course better than typical early December, just finally get a good airmass and the drought keeps on, lol.
  7. First call for Wednesday is basically nothing. I don't know, seems like 1-2" isn't out of the question.
  8. Did have one strong band when getting the Christmas tree today. Very festive!
  9. Really hope we don’t waste the cold coming up, but looks pretty dry. Hopefully we squeeze out a few small events.
  10. Still looks ok for a slight risk from the 3rd to the 7th.
  11. Could be a clipper over the weekend, or is that kind of gone too?
  12. At least it's only November. That happening in February is far more upsetting. Looks like CPC thinks it'll be colder than normal through 12/20. Might have a decent December if that holds true.
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