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Everything posted by Modfan2

  1. RIP Neil Peart https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/neil-peart-rush-obituary-936221/
  2. Not Tolland, the hills on 74 in Wilmington Just east of the RT 32 Intersection.
  3. I have driven both routes and those first 2 hills on 74 are fairly steep and would pretty much be white knuckle driving in sleet or snow!
  4. Another house was hit on Wallum Lake Rd in Douglas Ma
  5. 33F and mod snow Woodstock Ct
  6. How does the rest of the evening play out? Does say Kevin north to ORH continue with Sleet ZR mix, snow and sleet north of ORH?
  7. Looks like another storm just SW of Kevin
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