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Everything posted by Modfan2

  1. Still fairly foggy here in the Quinebaug Valley in E CT; yesterday while warm was a nice day! is it me or is the “feels like” just a tool to hype warm weather when it’s a fairly subjective thing? Some enjoy the heat and humidity and others do not, but the “feels like” is different for everyone. Want not just say it’s going to be 90-91 with high humidity?
  2. Already 90F here in the Quinebaug Valley
  3. Sounds good! FL puts up with today’s weather from May to the end of October; we can take a 3-4 days of HHH and the. Back to seasonal
  4. That’s just dew from all the humidity! Lol
  5. 77F, cloudy, and almost cool here in E CT, compared to others we take!
  6. I sort of chuckled earlier in the week when news was making a big deal of how much rain W/C CT was getting; I’m thinking has anyone looked at Eastern CT and how wet it has been??
  7. Almost S FL like, low of 73F and high dews, air temp needs be 88-94 and we are there. We dealt with these conditions from late April to October every day…
  8. Looks like the cells in W CT are falling apart as they move east
  9. Got the 7/10 split here, heavier cell in Plainfield to my south and the one in Woodstock to my north; .60” of rain
  10. Looks like it might miss you just to the SE
  11. Sunny is breaking out here on the 395 corridor, sooner than I thought.
  12. Thinking the same thing, does debris from that muck up things later? Think showers earlier here might hurt burning off the clouds here
  13. Nice downpour, .10 and 73F.
  14. 49F and COC AC provided! Beautiful two days of summer incoming!
  15. Like freight train coming through here, crazy light show
  16. Just judging by radar you and Kev appear to be in a good position
  17. Looks like it’s moving more NE than E.
  18. FF warning hoisted for the Worcester area
  19. It’s further NW from Ginxy and I, more along 84 towards Kevin
  20. Almost looks like it’s moving more NE than E; congrats 84 west??
  21. Wow, decent train set up just south of the pike, was that expected?
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