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Its a Breeze

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Everything posted by Its a Breeze

  1. Not downplaying this current heat wave, but believe it or not, the mid-west gets HOT, lol. And frequently. They have warmer extremes than we see here in the mid-Atlantic. La Crosse's all time high temp is hotter than DC's.
  2. Looks like Gert is one of those 'screw it, just name it' storms . Don't think it actually reached TS strength but *shugs* Should disappear in an advisory or two.
  3. Not just GFS, looks like most or all the models are showing pretty much the same. It should be, but it's not surprising that Cali may be affected by a tropical system before anyone on the east coast... And yeah, that is very rare. Looks like tropical storm Lidia in 2017 is the latest system that came close to that. Unless Hurricane Kay last year counts. Neither went directly into Cali.
  4. Not sure if this counts, because it certainly wasn't cold. It was hot that day. Like 80s hot*. But having a snowball fight in the middle of summer is another of my favorite memories. Not around here, were in Yellowstone and of course multiple thousands of feet up. It of course wasn't fresh snow, but months old patchy icy slush, but still, it was the first time I had a snowball fight in shorts. *It was significantly cooler where these patches of snow were still around, but you didn't have to travel too far down to be back in the heat.
  5. Models are too hot in the summer, and too cold in the winter. So it perfectly balances out
  6. And on that note, I predict we will have between .01" and 70" of snow this winter. LOTs of dust coming off Africa right now. Atlantic will be quiet for a while. They should have stuck with the 30% chance of an above normal season. Or lower.
  7. Finally, a spectacular day where the sky is actually blue! Feels amazing out
  8. Looks like they're still betting on the warm waters. But what we're, for the most part, seeing is that the myriad of other factors that go into making a tropical system are of equal, if not greater importance. Definitely don't think we'll be that above average, if at all. We'll see though.
  9. Looks like neither. Just moved south a bit. May push back this afternoon (per NWS)
  10. Figured and meant to check. It was/is definitely a "hmm...the sky is not as blue as it should be" kind of morning. Feels spectacular though!
  11. If we were going to hit 100+, we should be at least 90 by now. We'll try again tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then next year.
  12. The hail caught me off guard as I wasn't expecting much of anything! It even started to accumulate. Can't lie, I giggled a bit...
  13. Summer is more than one month. Can't ignore June. And yes, 90 is hot. But we can handle that. We haven't had many HOT unbearable days. 95+ days: BWI - 2, IAD - 1, DCA - 0 That'll change this week, but we really haven't been too bad...
  14. And speaking of '94, I know this is about snow, but can we add the ice storms of that year to the list? Simply amazing. Especially when we had snow on top of the ice. Was still a kid so I had a blast with the countless slips and falls. I imagine for most, it'd be a different story now
  15. Nov. '87 - as that's what got the meteorological wheels turning. 2009/2010 - for obvious reasons There's a New Years snow (late 80s? early 90s?) too. It was back we we used to get 2-4" snows. But it was absolutely perfect. Woke up in the new year with a fresh coating.
  16. It's just that it was SO much. 5-10 years. That's how long it'll take to get rid of the excess water vapor...
  17. Does anyone know when the LWX radar will be back online so we can track?
  18. Glorious. I weep openly for those who did not get to experience the magic and musical perfection of Local on the 8's. And the Weather Channel in it's heyday period.
  19. The consistency is impressive. But...10(+) days away, so...you know. Snow events, tropical events, same difference
  20. Sure it is! If all months (Jan through May) had 31 days, that would be 155 days. He had his tweet in drafts and forgot to post it on the 1st. So he posted it on the 5th adding those extra days but taking out the holidays. Or something like that
  21. Agreed though that they could have just said the first 5 months. 156 is because months aren't uniformly 30 or 31 days...
  22. Incredible satellite images showing the amount of smoke. You can see some of the individual fires in Canada (this is static, animated is better.)
  23. Have we determined which is the better Spring model? EURO is 100% dry.
  24. With more real estate, that little spinny in the Gulf may have had a chance to develop more...
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