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Its a Breeze

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Everything posted by Its a Breeze

  1. I do believe 2016 may take issue with that statement
  2. From one storm... ...the last week of Feb... ...causing this season to be a "success"
  3. Probably 3 of the past 5 years (at least) our biggest or second biggest snowfall has come in March. Wished our climate matched meteorological winter vice astronomical. Cold and snowy in Dec, Jan, and Feb (and Nov.)...yes please! Come March though, I'm ready for 70s and sunny every day.
  4. In between what? And I know this is like asking what 'is' is but what is your definition of "year"? 4) Dec 2018 - March 2019 - good 3) Dec 2017 - March 2018 - bad 2) Dec 2016 - March 2017 - bad 1) Dec 2015 - March 2016 - good What am I missing?
  5. Getting back on topic Can't find it but did you explain why you're using this year to get your "historic" time period? 4 of the past 6 years have been above average.... Numbers are awesome
  6. GFS came pretty close to having San Diego and Phoenix see as much snow as we do
  7. By far. Even with those small imperfections, there appears to be enough right, that if it were to verify as is (it won't) I'm having a very hard time believing there's THAT much rain... Someone please start a thread!
  8. The 12Zs will save us from ourselves. No matter what happens on Saturday, it's a WIN for this winter so far. If we have to sacrifice and receive a few hours of slop for that coastal next weekend to be all snow, and a more favorable pattern (than what we've seen so far at least) for the foreseeable future then, I have spoken, sign me up, I'm all in, yes please....
  9. ....so confused right now... Absolutely nothing has changed in like days. Why should we start panicking?
  10. Simply need for the cold to not take a one day vacation and we're golden.
  11. With the wonder ICON on board now, I do believe that as of the 12Z suite, we are frighteningly close to universality with at least some frozen. Are there still any holdouts left?
  12. FWIW, we're finally yellow. Friday and Saturday.
  13. Knew '94 would be mentioned. Fun times. Less aches, pains, bumps, and bruises with snow, but man I loved all the ice that year. ....except when the power went out, which fortunately was only brief as yeah, it was pretty brutal outside.
  14. So....so this is what winter looks like? Passing through Greenbelt right now. Mostly snow.
  15. I think most somehow managed to be at or above average last year. ...something materialized *shrugs*
  16. Fish and weather models stink after three days....or however the saying goes. But yes, you are absolutely correct. Don't like what you see? Wait three days. Should be better And if it's not better, then you can let worry creep in. If after three more days it still stinks, then full on doom and gloom is permitted.
  17. I really really miss the old Accuweather. Haven't checked lately but I don't even think they put up their bloopers on youtube any more Same! ...like exactly the same. Millersville for Meteorology ended up with a degree (well, the first one) in Geography from UMD. Still not sure how it happened...
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