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Its a Breeze

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Everything posted by Its a Breeze

  1. About to cry, finally remembered my user name and PW Last measurement, 30+ min ago, 9" (Chuck County MD)
  2. Looks like we're also still 'orange' for a winter storm threat. Can we at least get red? lol I think it's a better safe than sorry-just in case type deal. Throw in everything when there's still some uncertainty....
  3. So, your like of big backsides is not a lie? Last I checked (hour + ago) it was 29. But I'm screwed with this one, down in Chuck C. Everyone else, enjoy
  4. I honestly can't tell if this is being sarcastic or not. In the off chance this isn't sarcasm, then...LOL!!! The U.S. being down and out?? Not even close. If this gets as bad as it could, the U.S. has 1000x more capabilities to handle it better than the countries you listed. You honestly think they would go to war with a superpower when they'd be struggling hard at home? None of those countries have the cajones to do that....
  5. HUGE waste of time, money, etc. Isolate the 80+ers with underlying medical conditions? Sure. But to do all this to the rest of us is absolutely ridiculous and 100% unnecessary.
  6. The window for days like this is just as short! It's only a matter of time before the heat and humidity become unbearable....
  7. I think today (this week really) warrants a pop up of this thread. Spectacular
  8. .1% for the U.S.... ~ 5 million cases worldwide for the flu per year. ~500,000 deaths worldwide per year (low of about 290,000.) *pulls out calculator*
  9. the MUCH deadlier and infectious seasonal flu* Fixed... It's the new kid on the block though, so it's getting all the attention right now. There's a good possibility of people not spreading the flu as much though, because of the new guy. So that's good...
  10. Yes. Flakes with 70s 2 days later? Seems about March. 80s showed up for the first time LR GFS. If only....
  11. I'll believe it when I see it... - Ray Charles
  12. Yeah I was going to say you don't have to go back that far for good March snows. Our biggest event in 2018 was in March. ...the first day of Spring. Even DCA had 4" That being said, I'm very torn right now. As much as I would like to see something I'm tired of these false hopes, and I just want Spring at this point.
  13. ...are we going to mention the fact that the GFS Op is hot garbage (if you like snow) for 95ish% of everyone east of the Mississippi - in terms of populated areas? No? Ok.
  14. With a 0% chance of anything in the medium to long range for Feb, as there is no medium to long range left, and so much Ugh! in this thread....I for one would like to see this thread soaked in gasoline, thrown into liquid hot magma, and sent to the sun.... Please
  15. Up the daytime temp about 5-7 degrees, add in a breeze 10-15mph, sure...why not? I love snow - I love cold produced by the snow - I love cold if there's at least the potential for snow - I cannot pointless cold (unless it's like record breaking.) If there's not the potential for any of that, then at this point, bring on Spring....
  16. So underrated! Loved that storm. Had 17" up in Gaithersburg.
  17. The higher elevations of western New Mexico? Volcanoes?
  18. Just missed 12" last year (at least in the DC area) with that Jan 12-13 storm (10.3" at DCA.) That's shovelable. Southern burbs won out big with that other storm in Dec. as well. DCA also had a 4"er in March of 2018. Shovelable too no? (with it being the first day of spring and all, can't recall if it melted in a couple hours or not)
  19. Pretty sure... Now my coworkers are all wondering why I'm screaming "Run! Run!" at my monitor....
  20. 2" at DCA for '11/'12? Wow... Don't recall it being that much. Probably because I blocked that winter out from my mind..... Haven't blocked '97/'98 because we all need a (just one) reminder of how awful it could get around here.
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