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Everything posted by Dsty2001

  1. Temp got to 82 here, hoping to see some good lightning at least!
  2. I swear it seems like the Enhanced risk area keeps growing further and further north and east
  3. Puking snow here in Greeneville too, stood outside for a good ten minutes freezing just enjoying it
  4. The band coming through right now dropping some pretty good snow rates
  5. Wonder if the colder air actually hurt us this time, higher ratio'd snow will have a harder time sticking on the ground especially if its wet.
  6. I do wonder what happened, when I went to bed the radar looked healthy and the snow was starting to fall at a good pace. Really expected to wake up to about 5", regardless I'm happy just to see any snow in March
  7. Just from eyeballing it looks like maybe 3, possibly 4. But I haven't had a chance to go outside and officially check yet lol
  8. Any word on that band that is swinging through? Hoping to maybe cash in another little bit of snow before this event ends
  9. Walked outside expecting graupel/sleet, instead was surprised to see mostly snow with some rain mixed in. Temperatures down to 35, gotta head to bed but hoping to wake up to a winter wonderland. Happy tracking all!
  10. Hurricaneguy, what side of Gville you on? I'm over in Mosheim, about to go outside and see whats going on
  11. Going to give it another 10 minutes and head outside, the wife gets angry when I go outside so often during snowstorms LOL
  12. Kind of wild watching the nearby weather stations temperature gauge dropping almost every minute. Down to 38
  13. I do believe the pivot is what is supposed to force heavier rates in the eastern valley but i could be wrong
  14. Have a love hate relationship with that snow lol, if it is wet/icy before it falls it sticks to everything. Easier to shovel though
  15. Is it very fine snow Shocker? Reminds me of some super high ratio snow I've seen before [edit] Doesn't seem like it would accumulate quick but from my experience it does
  16. From the green location with the circle which is sitting at 46 to Morristown, line on a map about 18 miles. The front is screaming through here fast
  17. Wondering if the changeover won't happen sooner, MRX had us progged for around 3AM however my buddy in Morristown has dropped to 39 now, at this rate wouldn't be surprised to see changeover 30 minutes before
  18. Temperature here is crashing, watched it drop 4 degrees in the last 15 minutes. Down to 50, wind is picking up
  19. My friend in Morristown who only lives 15 miles from me is sitting 10 degrees colder than I am right now, says the wind is starting to pick up
  20. Clearly the pictures of snow sticking are photoshopped, grounds too warm
  21. Amazing seeing a nearly 20 degree difference with a 30 mile difference
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