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Everything posted by Dsty2001

  1. Since February I've had issues logging on and finally just remembered my password LOL (password recovery tool isn't working for me for some reason) anyways, seeing some flakes at Boones Creek, am I crazy or does the system seem more like a clipper
  2. Always been curious with the rise of AI and quantum computing the future of meteorology. I'd still think people will need to interpret and explain the data but more than anything I'm interested to see the accuracy. Imagine a forecast 2 weeks out with nigh perfect accuracy, that would be wild.
  3. Even with the little snow we got between it and the ice our grass is pretty much toast here too
  4. Is there a good link to read up on how the mjo affects weather, I've heard it mentioned for a while but never really read into it
  5. So was this round of mix just a bonus or the main event? Haven't really seen simulated radars of this so not sure the progression of this storm
  6. Topped out at 30 degrees, was supposed to be mid 30s by now. Will be surprised if we make it above freezing
  7. We are at 16 right now, was supposed to be in the 20s already so Greeneville is running colder than modeled. Will be surprised if we hit the forecast high of 24
  8. The irony is the apartment we just moved out of in November got 6", it's only... Five freaking miles away lmao
  9. I just don't get it, even with the heavier bands we get a few minutes of big fat flakes coming down hard then it's as if the heavier bands break up over my area and it transitions back to light drizzle. Officially throwing the towel in, travel around here is going to be treacherous though with all the water and slush freezing tonight
  10. I hope the temperature drops and we all get snow before all is said and done
  11. We maxed around 3in then the rain compacted it and it's a snowy slushy mess out right now. Sitting right at 33, needs to hurry up and cool down!
  12. There's a battle going on right now, huge flakes and then rain rinse and repeat, looks like snow right now hopefully it stays that way
  13. Send some my way lol we've been raining for last 30 minutes I'm baffled right now, temps dropping sun going down heavier bands setting up and rain. Not throwing the towel in yet but close
  14. Shouldn't heavier rates also help bring cooler air down as well?
  15. Temps starting to drop and we've got some heavy bands heading this way, have faith bud
  16. We're fairly close to the airport, wild how just a couple miles north to south make a difference with this system. I still feel confident we will end up doing well, but this system has kind of baffled me at the same time
  17. We've still got many hours left, once the heavier bands make this way and sun angle goes down, it should accumulate quickly. Also what part of G Vegas you in? Got about 2-3 inches still here
  18. This is definitely the most bipolar snow storm I've seen, it'll mix for 30 minutes followed by moderate to heavy snow then back again. Hopefully the rates help cool the atmosphere and keep it all snow towards the latter part of the day
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