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Everything posted by MuddyWx

  1. Flipped to snow in Waltham too, so probably the rest of 95 NW of Boston as well. Commute home at 5p could be interesting
  2. Fatties and moderate in Waltham right now. Been steady for about an hour
  3. and most of SNE still sees cold rain :/ dang
  4. VT ski country gets it good. But low over nashua ha
  5. Ended up with about 3” in Wakefield. Not bad. Beautiful out
  6. GEFS looks pretttyyyy good. Good enough to crush my dreams in a few days
  7. CMC is fun. I'd take support from the CMC over the GFS at this lead honestly
  8. Big takeaway is the GFS blows lol it took so long for it to output what other models were showing days ago
  9. Jokes on my friends going to the Caribbean- why go all the way down there for a warm Christmas when you can just stay?
  10. It's discussed a bit here with the GFS a couple of years ago, with an issue they are trying to correct with the upgrades - "progressive bias with synoptic scale systems." https://www.cwb.gov.tw/Data/climate/Info/seminars/20210615_17_4th_TWPGFSDW/1-1_20210615_Fanglin_Yang.pdf There's probably more stuff out there, but the progressive / SE bias has been noted with a lot of these systems the past few years on here
  11. 18z euro handled the TPV similarly to 12z through 90h, end result probably would have been similar. and still way different than the GFS
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