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Everything posted by MuddyWx

  1. 10” final in Beverly. Good storm for this area
  2. Still moderate snow.. I think I'm under some n/s OES. Would guess I'm closing in on 10"
  3. HRRR has another 3-4" on the north shore / cape ann. Not sure if I buy it but could get me close to a foot
  4. intensity ramped back up again- some OES?
  5. Yea, i'm seeing a lot of 8-9" reports in the lexington-waltham corridor on twitter as well
  6. Just measured 8" with the lull swinging in... really not bad. Mesos have another inch or two this afternoon in my hood, so might end with 9-10"
  7. Flakes just got a lot larger in one of those narrow, heavier bands on the north shore. Fatties
  8. Just over 2” in Beverly, snow growth is real nice
  9. Went out at 4pm, measured an average of 19-20" on flat surfaces. Thinking there may be a chance to get to 2 feet
  10. The large band over eastern MA/BOS hasn't really moved in 5 hours.. that's insane
  11. It's definitely tough to measure, but i'm averaging about 15-16". I'm probably 3-4 miles east of your location
  12. Doesn't get much better than this.. all time storm for my area
  13. I have a couple but cant get them on here.. file size
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