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Everything posted by WestBabylonWeather

  1. Snow to rain was one of the things I hated most as a kid. Just rain at that point. Then we got spoiled for many years. Hopefully this upcoming pattern delivers even with that sun angle lol
  2. People need to stop saying things with certainty so far out. It’s cringey.
  3. It can snow AND stick in March? Whoa
  4. Just curious. How are you so sure with two full months where it can snow left
  5. Drive down to Robert Moses. The ice in the bay is a sight to see. And some deer too
  6. We went in 2012 I think it was. Stayed at my cousins in Middleton. Went to the distillery. A drunk Irish guy grabbed me cause I tipped the bartender and they don’t do that lol we also had good and warm weather
  7. I’ve been to Irish day in Long Beach several times.
  8. My family in cork/Middleton still talking about the recent floods they had.
  9. Pensacola FL has officially seen more snow this winter than nyc and Chicago
  10. This really is incredible. I was in the outer banks last summer. I had no idea they were capable of getting more snow than…….us. Lol
  11. https://hiltonpensacolabeach.com/beach-cam/
  12. The mountain tops. It’s common isn’t it. Haleakala and such
  13. This is cruel, universe “the ocean really screws us on Long Island”
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