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Everything posted by WestBabylonWeather

  1. Don’t get it twisted machump. I’d never have a sock. Take me as I am baby
  2. 55 degrees to 12 degrees, after 1-2 inches of rain. Wild.
  3. The planet does have natural warming and cooling cycles. the question now is, is this a normal warming cycle that we are ENHANCING and making worse with greenhouse emissions. OR is all the current warming only due to the greenhouse emissions.
  4. Big flash freeze Friday night? Dangerous
  5. Nuclear power is a great alternative but big oil won’t allow it. I mean here on Long Island we had shoreham and it never even went online they squashed it
  6. Just don’t ask him questions he gets upset
  7. I usually like Larry cosgroves write ups. He things we stay cold, then a January thaw second half of January, then a cold February.
  8. It’s very simplistic. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. And we are putting said gas into the atmosphere at an unnatural rate. The end
  9. When we solve nuclear fusion we will have the unlimited electricity necessary to power CO2 atmosphere cleaning
  10. I used to be here then one day it clicks that 2+2 = 4 injecting a greenhouse gas into the atmosphere will do greenhouse things. We better stop.
  11. Tired of fixing the Christmas stuff
  12. What a change. We had like one of the driest summers on record with low humidity. I loved it
  13. Another year. Nothing changes. Have to take models a week out with a grain of salt.
  14. Im just going based on statistics here. If you’re in the bullseye 8 days out that’s a bad sign that being said when’s the next GFS run
  15. I’m excited, yes. But am hosting a Xmas eve party. I’m hoping this is just the 23rd
  16. I hope it occurs before Xmas eve if it does.
  17. The past few christmases have been quite warm. This is a nice surprise
  18. Lol. Last week I was. I gotta try brightwaters inn sometime
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