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Everything posted by WestBabylonWeather

  1. Of course cmc changed. Same movie. Week out
  2. If tik tok was right I’d be at 250” by now this year
  3. This far out you would once again be setting yourself up for disappointment. Give it a few days.
  4. Maybe a little more than two inches here. Not much on the street though.
  5. Snow event on top of an existing snow pack that we thought would already be gone. Been awhile. Had about 1-2” on the lawn when this started
  6. Here in west bab we have about a half an inch. Snow coming down nicely in the grand scheme of things we have been getting small snow events since December. Better than no winter at all.
  7. Feelin good about this one on the south shore of Long Island. Wow. Words I never thought I’d say this year
  8. With the sleet fest near the end it was not fun to shovel. Thank god it was only 4”. Heavy as hell I live on a dead end the plow left a pile of snow right in front of my driveway
  9. I measured 3” at 10:24pm in west babylon but we definitely got another inch which coincides with other reports around me
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