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Everything posted by WestBabylonWeather

  1. I can confirm islip was around 4” it was snowing at a good clip but was just not adding up. 4”-5”
  2. They really did give you a hard time. But you kinda gave up to. But we did it
  3. I hope the weekend one works out. I missed playing with my son in the snow today cause of work
  4. My normie take. The models suck because the climate is changing and they aren’t programmed for that? also. In reality the models do pretty good
  5. What a nice taste of winter snow pack down to a compact 2” now but the melting stopped now. Hopefully the weekend delivers. I want one more
  6. North of the city has gotten snow this year. South of the city has also got snow this year. Our turn. Zero in on LI please
  7. After being missed to the north and to the south this year I hope for a Long Island special.
  8. i agree. all the other storms this year trended worse as we got closer, this one is trending better
  9. “The trend is our friend” that phrase isn’t cancelled just cause it’s south now
  10. I forgot how much of a gradient that storm had. I had about two feet and Nassau had like a foot
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