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About Duca892

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  1. The hype people are drumming up for January…
  2. Starting to see people make the rounds for the 21st time period
  3. Nice to see some mood flakes here in Whitehall PA. Hopefully a precursor to an exciting winter
  4. It’s been so nice to have the AC off the past 5.5 days. Sadly will probably break and be back on tomorrow afternoon. False Fall was fantastic while it lasted. Back to upper 80’s. Eww
  5. Just absolutely beautiful out today. Gets me pumped for my favorite time of the year. falllllll
  6. It sure looks like there is absolutely nothing in the LR.
  7. Opened my eyes for sure and *only* a week out.
  8. Uh. Did I wake up to a winter storm warning in the Lehigh Valley? Lmfao
  9. Mt. Holly going 4-6in now in the LV? Certainly wasn’t expecting that 24hrs ago lmfao
  10. This is a very rock solid looking 3-5in from LV to Philly. Everyone wins
  11. This is looking like a real nice solid 3-5in event at this point for the LV southward.
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